Chapter 4

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Who ever said time and distance will lessen the love should be charged with criminal offense for a misleading quote.

Absence only makes the heart grow fonder.

Satu tahun sudah berlalu and I remembered the pain of not ever seeing Sapphire since the day I left for Aussie.


Sebaik saja kami mendarat di Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport, I switched on my handphone.

"Bibi, let's take a selfie." Kylie memeluk saya sambil berposing.

"Selfie lah." Saya menjauh.
"Bibi." Kylie memujuk.

"You say selfie, selfie is one person, right?" Pandai lagi kau jadi luyar buruk, Jerome.

"The two of us, Bibi!" Kylie ni ah.

"Then cakaplah wefie." I rolled my eyes at her.

Entah berapa banyak gambar Kylie snapped. Sampai sakit mulut saya senyum.

As we passed through the security and immigration checkpoints, saya mengeluarkan handphone saya yang tadi saya simpan dalam pocket.

"Bibi, who are you calling?" Kylie tugged my arm.

"Saph." Saya terjujur. Saya nampak air muka Kylie berubah. "I need to make sure she's okay."

"Why?" Mulut Kylie memuncung. "I don't like you having a girl bestfriend."

Oh. That's too direct for a relationship yang belum pun sampai setahun jagung. Sebulan jagung pun belum.

"If you're afraid that I'll end up with my bestfriend, must I remind you she has a boyfriend? She has Braxton." I sighed in exasperation.

Walking out of the arrival hall, I looked down and searched for Saph's number, ignoring Kylie's unhappy look.

Hampir saya mau menekan tombol hijau 'Call Sapphire' apabila saya tertabrak seseorang di depan saya.

My bad. Saya yang cuai kerana terlampau menumpukan perhatian pada handphone saya.

"Watch it, boy."

Saya kenal tu suara!

"Dad?" Astaga apa dad buat di sini? "What are you doing here?"

"Picking you up. Why? I can't pick up my son from the airport?" Eh? Pick me up?

Then I saw Jeremiah.

"Rem?" Saya masih terkejut.

Jeremiah mengedikkan bahu.

"Since you decided to keep it hidden about your move to Sydney, I've decided to keep it hidden that I know you're moving to Sydney." Dad bilang!

"Oh." Saja saya mampu keluarkan dari mulut saya.

"And who is this sweet lady?" Dad menaikkan satu kudou. No smile, just a cynical look. Okay, dad's not amused by my Aussie stunt.

And... Astaga! Saya betul-betul terlupa pasal Kylie.

"She's a-" I started.

Which Kylie herself finished off my words.

Dad turned to me.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, girl." Macam saya pula yang girl bila dad tengok saya begitu.

"The pleasure is mine, sir." Kylie jawab dengan sangat manis, semut pun boleh kena kencing manis oh oleh dia.

Dad drove us to lunch, tidak juga saya membantah walaupun I felt jetlagged.

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