Chapter 32

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Dari semalam saya masih belum tau apa mau buat hari ni.

Semalaman saya tidak tidur, sampailah saya tertidur mati di sofa dalam bilik hotel Sapphire sambil menunggu dia bersiap.

Sempat juga saya ambil what looks like a hairdryer dari the housekeeping staff. Oh, it is a hairdryer.

Saya terlampau mengantuk sudah sampai saya mengangguk saja bila the housekeeping staff menghulurkan the hairdryer sambil berkata.
“Hairdryer for your wife, sir.”

“J?” Sapphire called out from the bedroom.

“Mmm, your hairdryer’s here.” I shut the door and passed Sapphire the hairdryer.

Kemudian saya melabuhkan punggung saya on the sofa and within seconds saya tertidur.

Saya termimpi bibir lembut menyentuh bibir saya. Bukan menyentuh, tapi seakan mengucup bibir saya.

And when I open my eyes, Sapphire is right in front of me with her palms on my chest.

Saya terbingung ni, mencuba mengumpul kembali nyawa saya dan mengusir rasa mengantuk.

And when Spphire mentioned her luggage, tambah saya bingung. Tapi sempat juga saya menyakat dia as her soft ass landed on my lap. Nyum!

And as we drive out of the hotel, saya seakan mendapat jawapan terhadap apa yang perlu saya lakukan.

No, there will be no Gold Coast as much as I want to spend time with Sapphire in Gold Coast, just the two of us.

Saya rasa tidak adil untuk saya membawa Sapphire ke Gold Coast tambahan lagi Sapphire berfikir yang saya tau di mana kediaman Braxton di Gold Coast.

And she didn’t even mention or booked any hotel in Gold Coast.

So sememangnya Sapphire sangka bila sampai Gold Coast, kami akan tinggal di rumah Braxton. Ck!

With the birthday cake that’s on her lap, saya agak Sapphire terus mau menuju to where Braxton is supposedly staying in Gold Coast tanpa membuang masa lagi.

So I drove around Sydney CBD, buying time.

Saya whatsapp Braxton untuk memastikan dia ada di rumah.

Me: You’re at home, bro?

Limpas 5 minit baru dia reply.

Braxton: Yeah.
Me: Can I come over?
Braxton: Yeah, sure.
Braxton: Just let me know what time.

I straightaway whatsapp another number. The more the merrier kan Sapphire bilang. Hahahaha.

If looks can kill, lama sudah saya mati oleh tatapan mata Sapphire. Marah betul dia saya tidak bawa dia to the airport, dia takut ter-miss flight.

It’s okay, sweetheart. Flying to Gold Coast will only make you sad, and I’d do anything not to see you sad. I will bring you to your happiness. I promise.

I know, Braxton is her happiness. Walaupun saya terasa sakit di ulu hati saya memikirkan yang Sapphire mencintai dan berasa bahagia bersama Braxton, saya harus menerima kenyataan pahit ini.

And anyways, it’s Braxton’s birthday, so I’m doing both of them a favour.

Yes, I’m doing both of them a favour. They will be surprised looking at each other, both in Sydney.

So hajat Sapphire untuk buat birthday surprise untuk Braxton tercapai, dan Braxton boleh surprise Sapphire by getting down on one knee and propose either today on his birthday, or tomorrow during Valentine’s day. Good timing untuk dorang dua.

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