Chapter 20

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Like what the fuck?! What the fuck bah!

The anger I see in her eyes really made my heart sink to the deepest level ever.

What is Sapphire doing here? In BLACK lagi tu. Not any other normal clubbing spot. Not any other normal VIP clubs.

Sapphire turned as fast as lightning speed towards the entrance door.

“Miss, you can’t exit from here.” Kedengaran a bouncer in black suit menyapa Sapphire. Tapi Sapphire menepis tangan tu bouncer without saying a word.

Saya mengejar Sapphire, dan sama macam Sapphire, the bouncer cuba menghalang saya juga. But he stopped when he saw me actually running after Sapphire.

“This always happens.” He shrugged his shoulders.

Sempat lagi saya dengar kawan dia membalas.
“Seems like another wife caught her husband red handed.”

Eh? Apa?

Dan sempat juga saya pusing untuk menafikan.
“I only accompanied a friend, I wasn’t caught red handed.”

Was I not? Ditangkap basah with an escort’s lips plastered to my jaw in a sinful club?

Both bouncers senyum-senyum saja, tapi jelas ekspresi dorang yang macam saying ‘Yeah right, tsk tsk.’


I doubled up my speed dan berjaya merangkul pinggang Sapphire sebelum dia sempat jump into a taxi yang baru menurunkan a man who looks like a tourist from the Middle East.

“Saph!” My lips pressed to her ear. And that’s like my closest, most intimate gesture ever with Sapphire.

Saya memejam mata saya sesaat dua, inhaling her scent. Memabukkan, jantung saya berdegup kencang dan saya terasa seluruh tubuh saya terangsang.


Shit! Fucking Shit!

Automatic rangkulan saya terlepas dari pinggang Sapphire and she jumped into the waiting taxi.


Saya meraup wajah saya kasar.

“That was fucking awesome, bro!” BRAXTON.

What’s fucking awesome? Did he saw me hugging Sapphire?

“I don’t even know if I can stop walaupun sudah kahwin nanti.” Braxton bilang!

“Then jangan kahwin.” My tone irritated sudah ni.

Ya, saya berdoa kuat-kuat tidak payahlah kau mau kahwin Sapphire kalau you can’t keep your d*ck in your pants.

“Sapphire deserves better than getting cheated.” Suara saya mengeras.

Braxton ketawa. Makin saya mau memanas.
“I was just joking. I love Saph. Nothing can stop me from marrying her.”

What if she knows about your ‘White Lies’?

Sapphire nampak saya di BLACK dan dia marah. Apa reaksi dia kalau kau yang dia nampak? Sedangkan saya ni cuma sekadar kawan bagi dia pun dia sudah marah, apa lagi kau si bakal suami.

Macam Braxton dapat baca fikiran saya.
“I trust you, bro. Kau tidak akan cakap about this to Saph.” Braxton menepuk bahu saya. “Lagipun is it 4 years or more kamurang tidak in contact?”

You really don’t know what you’re saying, Brax.

Betul yang saya tidak akan cakap. The bro code might stop me from telling Sapphire, but I hope God is kind and fair to show Sapphire with her own eyes. Tapi adakah Braxton akan mengulang lagi kegiatan dia ni malam?

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