Chapter 13

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Seated on a very comfortable gigantic couch, saya terasa macam mau tertidur terus ni.

Yang tadi tu di balcony Jerome shook his head macam dia mengelamun pula tadi kan?

Jerome walked to an open bar.

“Juice or soda?” Dia tanya saya as he open a can of beer.

Should I have beer instead? I can handle my alcohol sudah sejak graduated from university. Being heartbroken in silence for nearly a year thought me alcohol-management systems. Tsk tsk.

“Maybe just beer.” Saya bilang.

Jerome menaikkan satu kudou.

“What?” Saya buat muka innocent.
“Something new to me.” Jerome bilang.

Nah, it’s not something new. It’s just something you haven’t seen.

I stretched my legs on the couch languidly and sighed in pleasure.

Di mana juga dia beli such a super comfy couch? Couldn’t be he designed and made it himself, right?

Jerome pulled the lid then passed me the beer.

I think I made an ugly face tasting the bitterness of the beer.

“Maybe yo-” Jerome started.
“I’m okay, J.” I cut him off.

Muka Jerome nampak risau.

“I won beer competitions back in the days-” Saya bilang.

“You what?” Jerome looked at me in disbelief.

Yeah, tau lah bars ada beer drinking competition just to make the place fun for the night. I got drunk for sure. Tapi selalu ada Emerald by my side to pick me up when I fall.

One thing I never did was having Shandra by my side bila saya minum. Saya takut saya meracau tidak menentu.

Shandra knows I had a crush on Jerome and in love with Braxton.

What she doesn’t know is that I had a crush on and in love with Jerome. And I want to keep that piece of my heart private. Kecuali Emerald lah yang memang tau setiap celah dalam hidup saya.

Talking about that hoe. Apa khabar si adik bertuah ah? Tsk tsk. I bet she’s crying and banging her head on her office desk dan sedang memaki saya yang enjoying what little time I have di negara orang.


Huh? Siapa juga yang datang berkunjung malam-malam begini?

Oh my God! That must be Kylie!

And here I am in an oversized t-shirt and shorts with my legs fully exposed in her boyfriend’s condo!

Oh God. Saya terasa macam seorang pelakor pula.

I nearly jumped off the couch, tapi Jerome lebih cepat. Nah kan, dia pun takut Kylie kedapatan kami hanya berdua dalam his condo.

“I ordered pizza.” Jerome bilang sambil berjalan ke arah pintu utama.

Uh? Pizza? Not Kylie?

In just a few short minutes, Jerome returned to the living room with boxes of pizza.

“Cheesy Hawaiian. Your favourite.” Jerome smiled down at me.

That smile. Membuat jantung saya seakan baru habis lari pecut.
That smile. Making me fall for him even deeper. Deeper than it used to.

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