Chapter 18

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"Where to get the best ring, bro?"
"Kalau kau sama Kylie lambat, saya sama Saph lah yang duluan ni."

Saya mengepal tangan saya sambil kami menaiki lift to the top of the condo's building.

Braxton brought me to his condo. Breakfast turned into lunch and nearly high tea sudah ni. Braxton is carrying half a dozen of beer. So I know this will be a long day lagi.

"I hope Saph loves the decore." Braxton bilang.

Huh? I looked up from my handphone. Saya sedang whatsapp Sapphire dalam lift yang ada boyfriend dia lagi tu. Damn oh saya.

Double blue tick semua message saya. 5 minutes later saya whatsapp lagi. Saya tidak puas hati kena seen saja.

Me: Saph, I'm sorry. Something came up.
Me: Kau marah kah?

No reply, tapi my messages seen.

Me: Bah, saya faham juga kalau kau sibuk.
Me: Let me know if you want to meet me tomorrow, okay?

Terganggu betul oh saya rasa oleh Sapphire yang tidak reply saya.

"Siapa kau whatsapp tu?" Braxton memanjangkan leher dia. "Busy saja nampaknya."

Pantas saya lock my handphone screen sebelum Braxton ternampak contact name Sapphire.

"Kylie kah?" Braxton tanya lagi sambil tersenyum.

Siapa juga mau berwhatsapp sama ex yang gila kerja? And siapa juga mau berwhatsapp sama an ex? Kalau sudah ex tu ex lah bah. Apa lagi mau bercontact.

"Uh." Saja saya jawab. It's not a yes, neither it is a no.

Then the lift opened and we walked up to Braxton's door.

Dia scan his access card and the censor turned green.

Braxton opened the door of his condo.

"What do you think?" Braxton asked excitedly.

White and gold. Sapphire's favourite colours with a touch of pink on the artificial flowers.

Cantik. Sangat cantik Braxton decorated the condo. Nampak betul macam sentuhan Sapphire pada the whole condo.

And the pictures.

Ugh, sakit.

Banyak gambar portrait Sapphire dan dia. And banyak juga portrait Sapphire alone. This house is really a loving tribute to Sapphire.

Kalau Sapphire nampak ni rumah, I bet as soon as Braxton gets down on his knees, Sapphire would say 'Yes, I do.'

Cemburu membara dalam hati saya.

Cemburu dan kesedihan.

Sedih. How can I ever compete with Braxton?

Gila sudah fikiran kau, J. Gilakah kau mau compete sama Braxton untuk mendapatkan hati Sapphire? Kau mau jadi perampas sudah?

"You think Sapphire will love it?" Braxton tanya lagi.

Saya tersentak dari lamunan saya, lantas saya mengangguk kepala saya.

"She will." Itu saja saya mampu cakap. I don't trust my voice at this moment.

Jangan kau emosi masa-masa begini, J.

Braxton made a tour of his house with me behind him.

The kitchen, all white.
The dining room, white and gold.
The laundry room, white and pink.

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