Chapter 25

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“Fuck!” Saya memaki.

Shit! Punya saya mau sampai kemuncak sudah. Bayangan wajah Sapphire tadi pagi dalam the meeting room menghiasi fantasy saya sambil saya mengurut laju-laju my hard d*ck.

Handjob pun handjob lah asal tertuntas nafsu berahi saya terhadap Sapphire. Tapi that damn banging on the door telah mematikan imaginasi dan aksi saya. Shit again!

The door swung open and an angry Sapphire entered with a strand of her hair covering her voluptuous lips and her flushing pink cheeks.

Uh, saya terlupa kunci pintu tapi siapa juga sangka yang someone would just enter without permission.

“Saph!” Sempat saya zip my pants dan berdiri cemas.

“Jadi siapa lagi kalau bukan saya?” Sapphire snapped. “Oh? Kau ingat Kylie?”

No, Kylie never crossed my mind. And yeah, I’m not disappointed. The vision in my fantasy became a reality. My fantasy is now standing in front of me. Sssss...

Nasib saya sempat menghalau the staff yang ganti Dyna for lunch sebelum Sapphire nampak like she’s gonna attack her.

Grrr! I like this feisty part of her that I’ve never seen before. I wonder how she is in bed.

Uh, Jerome. Clear your head. But I can’t. I can’t clear my head because Sapphire is standing in front of me looking so sexy in her nearly invisible red bra. 

I can’t clear my head because I can’t cum just now. So all my cum is now stuck to my head.

“I wasn’t thinking of Kylie.” I was thinking of you. I was imagining you.

Imagining ripping off your blouse and licking your cleavage. Not taking off your red bra just yet. I imagine sticking my tongue…

“You know why I’m here, J.” Ah, I do?

I took slow steps towards her.

Sapphire’s back is now pressed against the door. Kedua-dua telapak tangan saya menahan daun pintu, locking Sapphire from turning away.

“J…” Suara dia serak.

“Mmm?” All I want to do now is kiss her and kiss her hard.

“Why” Hmmm. Why? “Is your belt open?”

“Huh?” Damn!

Saya sudah zip seluar saya, tapi saya lupa pasang tali pinggang saya! Damn damn damn!

Baru saya mau buckle back my belt the door swung open dan saya dan Sapphire terpenyet macam ayam penyet in between the door and the wall!

Sial! Kuat juga ni orang buka pintu office saya sampai saya dan Sapphire boleh terhumban dan tertindih di sebalik pintu office saya!

“Mana si Jerome tu?” Jeremiah!
“Kitai punya Jerome.” Jeremy!

Kenapa dorang marah-marah ni?

“Shusshh! Memaki saja!” MOM?!

Saya yang tertindih against the wall cuba memiringkan kepala saya untuk mencubuk dorang tiga orang yang pandai-pandai masuk office saya tanpa mengetuk.

“Ssshhh.” I whispered in Sapphire’s ear, enjoying the softness of her boobs pressing against my chest.

Mata Sapphire membulat. She looks like she’s in between shocked and scared.

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