I Tried Working In An Office ...but My Co-worker is Creepy (WDY)

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Bc I love LaurenZside <3


Austin: "Huh? It's jammed..-"
Austin turns around and Henry stands there.

Austin: "*Gasp* OH MY GOOOOOD!! Why?!"
Austin running to HR: "I need an adult!"
The lights flicker.

Intro <3

Austin: "Oh that's right! I'm quitting my life again to this time work a different one instead! A life where people will appreciate me!"
Austin turns to his parents: "You guys don't appreciate me."
*vine boom <3*
Austin: "But yes, LONG LONG ago I did once works on games. Both in my free time and for fun!"

Past Austin: "The world is mine. I have to make this game so everybody knows that. Well I got my blankets, pizza and I'm ready to start. Oh! I got a spare blanket over here! Thank god. The only thing that's make me consecrate."

Austin: "But yeah, today I'm going back to make games and work at Nintendo America! Alright. Heres my cubicle!"
Austin's office phone rings.
He gasps.
Austin: "Jesus.. 'Incoming call'? Do I want to answer it?"
He looks around his cubicle, and spots a poster he didn't remember hanging in there.
Austin: "Teamwork? You can... doing it! You can doing it, yes! I will answer my phone."
Todd: "Hi there, this is Todd from internals!"
Austin: "Hi Todd.. *sigh* whispering: I hate this guy.."
Austin talking normally again: "What do you want?"
Todd: "I'm just calling to remind you of your meeting in 15 minutes! It's nothing bad I promise! Haha! Just a little chat.."

Austin: "Guys I hate Todd.. He's that guy in the office that walks around and he's like 'HuMp DaY aM I rIgHt EvErYbOdY?!' 'Working hard or handy working!' Todd also gave me this! I hate Todd. Don't worry I'm muted, he can't hear me. Todd I hate youu! I'm not going to your STUPID meetingg!"
Todd: "But don't be late, alright? ... Uh... are you there?"
Austin unmutes: "N-No. No Todd I'm 'not' here."
Todd: "...Oh! Haha! I get it! It's a little Halloween trick!"
Austin mumbles: "Yeah that's what it is Todd.."
Todd: "...I dunno if you got the memo, but Tricks and Japes are banned this year! On account of last year's 'Pumpkin Blarster' incident, so..."

Austin: "Oh my bad. I hurled pumpkins at Todd's face last year! *Laughter*"
Austin looks around and yells: "I'm sorry! That memo was about me my bad, okay? I took it too far last year I understand!"
Todd: "...I guess I can let this one slide. Get it out of your system before the meeting I suppose."
Austin, whispering: "I hate you. I hate you so much Todd. I hate you so much."
Todd: "Alright, alright, I've taken enough of your time!-"
Austin: "You've taken so much of my time."
Todd: "Don't be late! Bye!"
Austin: "'Call ended' thank god. What am I working on? These look like YouTube statistics! *Laughter* Mmm yease. It does look like YouTube statistics! Even with this!"
He points at the corner of the screen, where his Google acc shows and the settings.
Austin: "Y'know, Todd's the worst."
He looks at a binder.
Austin: "What is this? It's just a blank binder? Where I keep all of my pictures.. of me.. strangling Todd. I keep them all in here. The ones I doodle at work!"

Austin leaves his cubicle.
Austin: "Alright let's go see who's here! Is Sharon here?"
He jumps to look over the cubicles.
Austin: "Hey! Hey you! Oh it's Jonathan! Yeah it's Jonathan! Jonathan's my buddy! Jonatha-"
He pauses because Jonathan is staring at a blue error screen.
Austin: "Uh.. Jonathan? You okay dude? Why are you staring at a blue error screen?"
Jonathan: "Hey! You! Your friend of yours gave me this USB yesterday... told me I could use it to play CSGO! Free, no steam, no drm, so I plugged it in and now my computer only does this! ...That's not CSGO."
Austin: "I mean sucks to be you brother. Why is this my problem? Probably shouldn't be plugging random USBs into company machines."
Jonathan's kinda pissed.
Jonathan: "... Don't tell me how to do my job, Austin! Tell your guy to get his ass over here and fix this!"
Austin: "Sounds like a you problem Jonathan. Bye!"

Austin: "Ooh! Snacks! Crunchips?"
He licks them <3
Austin: "I'm just gonna lick them.. I'm the Nintendo PANKSTERRRR! Oh god.. Why is Michael over there eating a can? Do I want to talk to Michael..? Sure.
Austin walks over to Michael's cubicle. "Uh.. Mike?"
He reads the can.
Austin: "Dog's food.. Mike? *Small laughter* What's wrong with everybody in this office? I'm the only normal one here?!"
Michael: "Hey! Have you ever tried this stuff? I never have time for lunch, so the boss suggested I give this new 'smart food' replacement a go."
Austin: "Uh.. Isn't that literally just a can of dog food?"
Michael: "Wha- no. No! It's just the branding. Like dogs are like... healthy, running around and stuff, whatever. It's just branding man. It's just.. Oh.. Oh.. man."
Austin take a spoonful of the dog food.
Austin: "Mm-"
He keeps eating it.
Austin with a stuffed mouth: "Delicious Michael!"

Austin: "Oh no is that Todd?! I don't wanna go to my meeting.. I don't wanna go to my meeting! Where's Henry? Oh! Spreadsheet guy? I don't even know your name.."
Spreadsheet guy: "Oh, I could simply-"
Austin: "Wait.. WHY ARE THERE NO WOMEN IN THIS OFFICE?! Where's Sharon?!"
Spreadsheet guy: "Oh, I could simply look at spreadsheets all day! And I do! What a delightful little life for me!"
Austin: "Good- good for you..? I'm just gonna.."
Austin leaves: "Never talk to you again.."

Austin: "Oh wait.. HENRY!! Whatcha playing? Why haven't you added me as a Switch friend yet, huh?"
Henry: "Hey.. What's up..?"
Austin: "Did you give my brother some kind of messed up USB?"
Henry: "...Huh?"
Austin's POV: "What is he doing?! He's just playing games and chugging Monster energy drinks!"
Austin: "He was saying something about... CSGO and his computer looks bricked?"
Henry: "Ohh! Haha.. yeah.. Just a fun little Halloween prank between co-workers.. Wouldn't expect you to get it.."
Austin's POV again: "I thought we were friends man, I thought we were friends.."
Henry: "That guy's always on your back anyway.. You should go put that USB into your computer too. As a prank. Haha.."
Austin: "May-haps I will be doing this..?"
Henry: "Maybe it has games on it, maybe more. Maybe it has... MP3s on it."
Austin: "I LOVE MP3S!!"
Henry just looks knowingly at Austin, the conversation seems to be over.

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