500 Dollar?! (WDY)

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Todd: "Whoa! I like the look of this! Mr. Austin is here! What are you doing here newbie?"
Austin: "Oh! I saw this sign outside and it said um.. that you have 500 dollars..?"
Todd: "You want.. 500 dollar?"
Austin: "...Yes. I would like 500 dollars."
Todd: "You. Want. 500. DOLLAR??"
Austin: "Yes I would- Please.. I would like 500 dollar-"
Todd: "YOU. WANT. 500 DOLLAH?!?"
Austin: "YES I WANT 500 DOLLARS!!"
Todd: "500 DOLLAH!!"
Austin: "500 DOLLAH."
Todd: "500 DOLLAH!"
Austin: "500 DOLLAH!!"
The whole audience claps.

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