The MePhone4 and MePod sitcom! ^^ (II x BFB)

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MePhone4 opens the door.

MePhone4: Co-co-host I'm home..!

The camera then goes to MePod.

MePod: Hello MePhone! :D


MePhone4 walks over to them.

MePod: Did you have a long day at work?

MePhone4: You know it MePod!


MePhone4: Trying to get Cobs to stop his evil doings ALL DAY at my job, while I'm hosting a show is SO BORING!


MePod: It must be annoying fighting him while hosting... D:

MePhone4: Exactly! I could... Uh...

He grabs the script for the sitcom.

MePhone4: "Insert list of things I could do instead of hosting here."


MePod: You're meant to improvise, MePhone... You're not meant to read that out loud! ->-;

MePhone4: UH?! Excuse me, MePod?! I'll read out loud any thing I want! "Insert list of things I could do instead of hosting here." There. I just read it again. >->

MePod: We're getting side-tracked, MePhone.

MePhone4: Oh right! Uh...

He puts the script back into his pocket.

MePhone4: I could have fun outside! Hosting is... uh... Boring. I don't know my lines. Just do your part.


MePod: There must be nothing fun about hosting while battling Cobs all day, MePhone! Especially if I was like Taco, who got betrayed by Mic! That would be sad.

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