Help? Feat. Me, my twin (online) & my brother (online)

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TW: Kinda v3nt-!sh?

Oliv walks over to Paint, who's laying on the floor with tears rolling from their face.
Oliv: "Wha- What the..?"
Paint: "Hello."
Oliv sits next to them. "What happened?"
Paint: "I don't know..? What's up?"
Oliv: "No, you need- you need help!"
Paint: "I need.."
Oliv: "Definitely."
Paint: "What's 'help'?"
Oliv: "Assistance? Supportive action? You- You really need some.."
Paint: "Oh okay... Thanks!"
Oliv stands up: "Sure! Good luck!"
Paint: "Okay.."
Oliv walks away.
Paint: "Help..! ...Help!"
Botan: "Oh! How can I help?"
Paint: "What..?"
Botan: "Is- Is there a way.. I can help?"
Paint: "...I need help."
Botan: "...Do you want help?"
Paint: "What..?"
Botan: "...You don't want help."
Paint: "I don't?"
Botan: "No."
Paint: "Alright well.. well thank you!"
Botan: "You're welcome! Goodbye!"
Paint: "Bye.."
He then walks off, leaving Paint on the floor.

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