Funni SumPod (SumSang x MePod) skit lol

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Take your time reading this & have this Lo-Fi playlist too! <33
~Love, Paint the Author ♡

[MePod was just sitting in her room in Endroid Headquarters ever since Endroid decided to give her a room. They were just playing Osu! when suddenly she hears knocking on the door. She pauses the game and takes off her headphones.]

 MePod: Come in!~

[The door opens to reveal SumSang, half asleep.]

SumSang: Wh- ...Why're you up so late..? It's, like, 2 AM right now...

[He walked over to MePod's gaming setup.]

MePod: Look, I just wanna beat my high score.. [yawn] And I'll refuse to sleep, even if I almost fall asleep!

[SumSang grabs MePod's hand and leads her to their bed.]

SumSang: Just sleep... You'll thank me later. 

[MePod proceeds to grab his wrist before he walks out.]

MePod: If you want me to sleep, make sure! Cuz you're sleeping with me now.

SumSang: Wha-

[She slid in bed and pats the area next to her. After a while of thinking, SumSang entered the bed. MePod cuddles SumSang softly.]

MePod: Good night..~

[And soon enough, she drifts off to sleep. SumSang tries to get away from their grip, but fails. Instead, he just does what he was told by MePod herself, he sleeps with her.]

Something quick between making cute little drawings of them and writing a chapter of Meeple Reunion! <3
~Love, Paint the Author ♡

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