Diet?! (Canon ONC/If Angel & Vade actually got along with each other)

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Vade: "Did you decide you wanted some?~"
Angel: "Did you decide that you wanted to shut the fuck up?!"
Vade: "Oh Angel...~"
Angel: "Yes, whore?"
Vade stares them down. "ARE YOU ON A DIET? YOU CAN TELL ME!"
Angel screams internally.

Angel: "Of course not! Why would you say that? I'm NATURALLY petite and thin! I'm the reason tweens make themselves HURLE!"
Vade lifts up Angel's hoodie, revealing a shocking device.
Vade: "Oh-oh!"
Angel puts her arm down to hide it.

Vade: "Peek-a-boo!"

Vade: "I saw~"

Vade: "There it is."

Vade: "There it is again."

Vade: "Hello!"

Vade: "Still there.."

Vade: "Fatty!"

Vade: "Fatass!"

Vade: "One more hit-"

Vade: "Fatty- Fatty- FattyFattyFattyFattyFatty!-"
Angel laughs. "LIGHTYYYYYY!-"

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