21 - Table

146 13 7

13th of May 2018

My baby was born yesterday. Sorry I didn't write about it, I was preoccupied.

His name is Lewis Edward Turner. Suits him I think. I don't really know his personality yet, but I'll soon find out. Clem keeps cuddling the damn boy, she was so excited for him. So happy.

Her face when he was born was undeniably the most beautiful smile I have ever seen set across her face. She was acting all weird and she began to cry when I said it was a boy. I got confused, but turns out she was crying because she was so happy.

I loved it when she was happy. It made me happy. But yes, if Lewis ever reads this when he's older because I'm bored and I show you. Just know that today you shat on my leg. I won't forget that. Ever.

Thank you Lewis. I'm going to be shitting on your leg one day too, be prepared.

Lewis POV

"He just showed up, what was I meant to do?" My mom shouts back at me after Lee left.

"Not let him in?"

"I know you hate him but give him a chance. He looked like he was trying to change. He was attempting something." My mom tries to tell me as she begins to clean the dishes in the kitchen.

"Lewis, you did act like a bit of a dick. He didn't do anything wrong. It was all you this time." April turns and tells me. Whose side was she on?

"Is this gang up on Lewis day? cause it sure as hell feels like it." I sigh throwing down the cloth I was using to dry the plates and sulking out of the kitchen.

"We're not ganging up on you Lew. I just want what's best for this family." Mom admits as she puts the plates down and walks towards me. She puts her arm around me.

"It's not working. Lee can never be a part of this family." I snap, what he did would forever be in my mind. Ultimately he caused dad's death, I could never forgive that.

"But he is part of this family and you can never change that." She says back to me. I was a little shocked she wasn't on my side. Does she remember what he's done?

"Can't we just banish him or something? I don't want that mother fu-" I begin. She immediately stops me.

"LEWIS! It doesn't matter what happens, he's still a part of this family and he always will be. He will always be your brother." She looks at me. As if she was angry with me, maybe she was but I knew all of the points I was making were valid.

"Well fuck it, I'm going home. I don't even give a shit if he's there." I shrug as I begin to pull my shoes on. Mom grabs me by the arm.

"Do anything to him and I won't forgive you. Just remember that. We're supposed to be dealing with this, not adding more wood to the flames." Mom says harshly.

I just nod and swiftly make my way out the door. It had been a strange day. The run I had earlier had refreshed me and now the sun was setting over Wellington. It had been a strange day.

I walk home, allowing the nearly summers breeze to hit my face. Refreshing. The kids were still playing soccer by the pond, I didn't understand how they had so much energy but now however there was less of them.

I watch one mother shout as I walk past.

"Alfie! We best be going in for dinner now!" Melissa shouts. She catches my eyes as I look at her and I give her a sympathetic smile before continuing on my journey home.

It was strange to think I was related to that kid and he'd probably never know. I bet people knowing he was a Turner could really change his life around, or maybe it wouldn't.

I walk down Kelly's path to her house. An odd thing was all of the lights were on. She usually turns them off before she goes to sleep.

Our neighbour walked up his path at the same time as me.

"Evening Lewis" The old man waved. His name was Mr.Beckett. He was a nice old man, he lost his wife last summer to cancer. He was even older than Luke.

"Evening Sir, it's a nice day, isn't it?" I question as I pull the keys out of my pocket. I didn't know if Kelly had locked the door or not, I always checked anyway.

"Oh Janice would have loved today, she loved the flowers in the summer time." He smiled happily thinking about his wife.

"Well Goodnight Mr.Beckett." I say after exchanging small smiles about his wife. He says goodnight back to me and hobbles back into his house with his walking stick at hand.

I sigh and finally open up Kelly's door. It was at that point my heart suddenly sunk. I quietly shut the door behind me and listened.

All I could hear were the sounds of Kelly screaming. Not in a bad way. I swallow all of my excess saliva and stared at the wall. I couldn't move, I just kept listening.

Who was it? Who was in that bed with her? I felt torn apart. Broken.

"Oh my God Lee!" I finally heard her shout. Fuck. What the fuck.

I stand up and begin to kick the shit out of a nearby coffee table. Kicking out the leg and watching it fall to the floor. The noises stop as they must have realized who was home.

The one person they did not want to have in the house. Had this been happening all week?

"Mother fucking piece of shit" I scream at the top of my lungs as I continue to abuse the coffee table which was now creating a dent in the wall.

I didn't want to walk in and see them so I just knocked on the door and shouted.

"I'm collecting my shit in the next week you fucking bitch." I shout as I bang my fist against the wood. There was silence as I walked out.

I kicked the coffee table one last time and screamed.


I pull open the front door and slam it behind me. So hard that I saw a small crack form in the top of the door.

I didn't want to go to mom, not yet. She would just be telling me things that I didn't want to hear. She'd tell me stupid things.

I walk down the side of Wellington and park myself underneath a tree. I sat there and allowed myself to vent, by swearing at myself and pulling up the grass around me.

"Fucking bullshit Lee. My fucking girl. My fucking house. My fucking family. I will fucking kill you, worthless piece of shit" I slam my fists against the grass. I was too pissed off to care.

Suddenly out of nowhere a man I knew as Henry came running down the street.

"I need a Turner! Quickly there's some people at the gate! " He screams repeatedly.

I stand up at the mention of my family name.

"Oh here!" I shout. The mans face lights up and he darts towards me panting.

"There's lots of men at the gate! They want to speak with whoever is in charge, i just assumed the Turner's you know." He man shrugged as I began picking up a pace.

"Which gate?"

"North bound, industrial" he replies running along beside me.

"What do they want?" I question.

"Wellington" he replies in a stern voice.

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