33 - Brothers

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"Where's he going?" I question to Lee as I watch Nick run off in the opposite direction.

Suddenly Lee shouts at Nick, trying to call him back. When Nick reaches his destination me and Lee both see what had happened.

Melissa, the girl Nick got pregnant was laying on the floor. The terrified little boy beside her.

"Oh shit" I mutter under my breath as I turn to look at Lee.

"Fuck man. Let's get these assholes off of him." Lee commands as he begins to shoot over the top of the car once more.

I watch Nick grab Melissa and begin to run with Alfie in front of him. I prayed they were going to safety and Melissa wasn't too hurt.

I peek over the rusted vehicle's shot out windows and watch Lee's line of fire. He had hit the two people in the front of one of the trucks and injured another on the roof. Redwood's men were falling. We looked successful. From this angle anyway.

Lee panted once again as he pressed his back against the old car. Who knows how long we had been sat behind here? An hour or so most likely. I hoped my sister was okay and of course Mom and Luke. I'm sure Ali was fine and then well...we had Kelly. She was fine too...I hope.

"We need to destroy this asshole." I shout, referring to Redwood. Lee sniggers slightly.

"Sorry, that was just a really gay statement." He chuckles. I give him some sort of evil glare and his face drops.

"You know what I mean. Stop being a prick." I snap, peeking over the car one more time to survey the situation.

"I'm so shit at this being good thing." He sighs to himself.

"Yeah...you are. Shitter than the shittest." I admit. Lee honestly was terrible at this.

He turned around and dropped his eyebrows at me.

"I'm trying. Okay? That good enough for you?" He shouts over the loud noises. The side of this car was beginning to really piss me off. I didn't want to be here any longer stuck with my asshole brother.

"No. It still doesn't make up for what you did." I tell him straight.

"Are we still not past this?" Lee sighs, putting emphasis on the word 'still'.

"Still? Are you fucking serious? You never gave a shit about me, you still don't. I always tried to be with you when I was younger but you pushed me to the side, so don't even act like I didn't try to have some sort of relationship with you. Then you fuck everything up with dad, you didn't have to say all that shit. Do you even realise what you've done? What you did to this family? You don't even deserve to be here, you don't even deserve to be alive. You should have been in dads place because nobody, I mean nobody would give a fuck if you lived or survived today. You're a fucking failure. Oh yeah and then you screw my girlfriend, it just gets better. Doesn't it?" I spit out every word.

The blankness on Lee's face through my messed up speech was priceless. I said some harsh things but...it was true in some aspects. I just didn't like my brother. But he was still my brother and I couldn't change that.

"You've been waiting your entire life to say that and now you finally grew the balls to do it." Lee begins to clap sarcastically, he was now looking off into the distance. He refused to make eye contact with me.

Something glistened in his eyes. Perhaps even a tear? I'd never seen him cry before. Did I make him cry?

I stayed silent at his response. We were missing so much of the battle but I didn't feel as if it mattered right now, this was a conversation between me and my brother we needed. We needed this conversation years ago, maybe then we wouldn't be in this mess.

"Lewis, I messed up. Yes. Do you not think I already know that?" He raises his voice and then suddenly turns his head.

I was unsure as to what he was doing but before I knew it Lee had spun his body to the side and pounced on me. As I fall to the floor and land on my back Lee takes his first punch.

I try to block it but he was too fast. My defence was grabbing a hold of neck and pressing into his windpipe. Maybe that would disarm him. But he just punched me again. In eventually got the upper hand and pushed him back over. Allowing me to be in control.

Luckily we were still quite close to the ground else we would easily have been shot by the ricocheting bullets flying everywhere.

Lee knees me in my crotch and I fall backwards. This few seconds of my defence being down I try to take a break.After standing up and kneeling over Lee gets to his feet and pushes me against the metal wall. I heard my back crack as my spine made contact with the hard material.

"Fuck" I groan at the pain and he grabs me by the neck and holds me into place against the wall. His stupid actions could get us both killed. Any one of Redwood's men could just gun us down right now.

"I know what I did Lewis! I think about it all of the fucking time. Quit reminding me you piece of s- ahhhh fuck" Lee's threat against the wall quickly took a turn as he suddenly screamed.

He let go of his grip and I quickly pulled him to the floor back behind the car. I was still in pain from his attack, one side of my face was numb and my balls hurt.

Blood was seeping from Lee's right arm. He had been shot due to his stupid decision.

"Lewis. I'm going to die." He immediately says as he sweats and looks at me. My change in mood and opinions in my brother changed drastically in seconds as I listened to the sincerity in his raspy voice.

"The fuck? You've only been shot. You're not going to die!" I'd never been shot before but I know you can survive bullets. Our uncle survived an amputation, I'm pretty sure he can survive a 9mm round in his bulky bicep.

"I know, I just wanted to see if you'd cry or not." Lee teases as he grasps his arm, trying to use his T-shirt to keep the blood at bay.

"You know. You're an asshole." I state. Siblings have fights and I guess we just had one.

But I wasn't going to leave him to bleed out. I might not like the guy but as I've said, that's my brother.

"And you suck at fighting." He let's out a small laugh as he looks to his side to examine his injury. Lee seemed to be in a lot of pain but he wasn't willing to show it.

"And you suck at morals and not getting fucking shot." I instantly snap back. He rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Just...kill that bastard." He grumbles, referring to Redwood.

"I'm working on it." I reply.

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