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When Izuku woke up the next morning, he didn't even have to open his eyes to tell Todoroki was taken during the night.

He kept his eyes squeezed shut in hope that when he opened them again all of this would be some long forgotten dream.

He wasn't that fortunate though. Izuku couldn't feel the heaviness of quiet created in the room. It was stifling.

It took several long seconds for Izuku to find the courage to uncurl himself from his protective ball, and even longer to peek open one of his eyes.

The dim lights of the lanterns in the corners lit the nest in a warm glow, but not warm enough.

Izuku was truly alone now.


Bakugo whined as the muzzle dug further into his already bleeding skin. He pressed his face into Shinso's stomach, the other alpha not finding it in himself to complain about the metal cage.

Kirishima laid on Shinso's other side, draping himself as his head rested on Shinso's shoulder. He still hasn't woken up. Kirishima just kept sleeping, not being able to help the awkward position. He was kept drugged enough so that he would stay asleep for a couple days. Almost in a mini coma.

Todoroki laid on Bakugo, clutching the alphas shirt for dear life. He wasn't as high as Kirishima, but drugged just so as not be able to put together a coherent thought. He was acting as though a child might, clinging to the pack alpha while cuddling against the purple alpha.

Shinso wasn't much better than the rest. He might not have been drugged but he was pretty close to giving into his alphas feral rage.

Everything had been happening so fast yet was passing so slowly.

They were all (except Kirishima) on various levels of alert for something more to happen.

"Where's Izuku?" Todoroki suddenly asked, his words slurred. The drugs in his system cleared just enough for him to realize he wasn't in the pack nest anymore.

The question shocked Shinso out of his intense staring contest with the door and at the mention of the omegas name, Bakugo started growling.

"Where is he?" Shoto panicked, trying to break free from the alpha keeping him down. Bakugo refused to let him go though.

"No, I promised! Please!" Shoto cried, managing to get himself up only to collapse against Shinso's chest with Bakugo at his back.

"Shhhh, calm down. They can't keep us away from him forever. We'll get him back and they'll never take him away from us again" Shinso tried to reassure, surprising himself at his ability to speak at the moment.

Shinso wrapped his arms tightly around the bi- colored alpha when he felt his shoulder getting wet.

This was the most emotion Todoroki has expressed to anyone in a while, except maybe Midoriya.

Bakugo whined as Todoroki began to shake from the force of his sobs.

The air in the room quickly turned from despair to aggression at the sudden click of the door handle.

In less than a second the alphas went from an emotional group meltdown to a near feral rage, slitted eyes trained at the door.

Shinso growled, quickly wrapped his arms around Kirishima and Todoroki, gripping the two closely as a nurse came through the door with a small black bat in his hand.

Todoroki held onto Bakugo as the blond snarled, wanting nothing more than to pounce and rip into the pathetic excuse for a "scientist".

The nurse walked forward, seemingly unafraid of the three angry (and rather scared) alphas.

Bakugo lurched forward once the nurse took one step to close, the jerk causing Todoroki to lose his grip on the blond.

Almost as soon as the blond pounced the alpha was hit unconscious, the nurse only needing one swing to the top of the alphas head before it was lights out.

The drugs that kept Kirishima asleep were fogging Todoroki's brain to the point that all the fast paced actions weren't registering in his head fast enough. He violently flinched backwards at the impact the pack alpha received, hiding as much as he could in the purple alphas neck as flashbacks ran through his mind.

The unexpectedly yet extremely expected action was all it took for Shinso's alpha to fully take over. His grip around Shoto and Eijiro tightened as his teeth elongated and his nails grew into claws.

The nurse felt a sense of pride at being able to bring down an alpha, especially since he was just a beta. He felt as though he could do anything he wanted and the alphas wouldn't be able to do a thing.

Feeling cocky, the beta nurse decided to have fun with this sense of power they had, getting closer to the three still on the floor.

A mistake that was proved just moments later as Shinso took his chance to snap his teeth at the nurse's nose, missing by only a few inches.

To say the beta was startled would be an understatement. Immediately the nurse lifted his weapon and whacked Shinso with the bat on the side of his head.

The alpha whined at the impact, his head having harshly whipped to the side from the force of the blow.

When Shinso regained his bearings, he bared his sharpened teeth and growled threateningly as he looked back up only to see no nurse, and no Bakugo.


Izuku could feel himself dropping, his omega reaching a breaking point.

He laid in the alphas nest, staring at the ceiling. Logically he knew his alphas were taken against their will, but all his omega could register was abandonment.

His alphas were gone, every single one of them. After promising they would stay, he was now alone.

Rolling his head to the side, his eyes fell on the cabinet housing his nest.

Safe Izuku's inner omega urged. Now that his alphas were gone he wasn't safe, but he couldn't bear the thought of leaving his alphas scents.

He looks around the nest, seeing each and every item, smelling each and every scent of the alphas.

Izuku's hand tightens around Kirishima and Bakugo's shirts as tears start to gather in his big green eyes.

The omega forces himself up and starts towards his hidden nest. Flinging open the cabinet doors, Izuku begins to tear out the cloth and fabrics already fashioned together inside till it's a mess of a pile outside.

He doesn't know if his alphas are coming back (if even), but this is something his omega needs to do to find even a small semblance of peace as his already broken world crumbles even more.

He grabs a blanket from his previous nest and a pillow from the alphas nest.

He's not sure he'll continue to last much longer without his pack there to help keep him sane.


Don't worry, things get better in the next chapter, I promise you that!

Thank you every for the wonderful comments! I do read them and I love seeing all the things you have to say, I'm just awful at responding....

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