Winter Wonderland: AU4 Chapter 20

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AUTHOURS NOTE: When one door closes, another opens. and that's the case for Ethan and valerie in todays chapter! Its moving day, and E and V are more than excited to be getting to their new home in beacon hill to start decorating for the holidays- but first of all they stop off in the city for some special christmas shopping. Meanwhile, the Monroe brothers spend some quality time together before heading to see sienna and the roommates for some holiday fun. By the time evening comes, Ethan and V say goodbye to the apartment their relationship blossomed in, and whats been there home for so long. This is 'Winter Wonderland' and I hope you enjoy! :)

 This is 'Winter Wonderland' and I hope you enjoy! :)

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The holidays.

My favourite time of the year!

My mom and dad always told me growing up that once i became an adult i wouldn't love Christmas so much. They warned me about bills, rushing to by presents, write cards, attending parties and hosting them-

But to little Valerie, that sounded like a dream.

Apart from the bills, because back then little Valerie didn't understand that concept.

Anyway, my parents always gave me a harsh reality. Always have, and I think they always will. None of the less though, I just turned 28 not to long ago and I love Christmas as much as i did when i was a little girl...maybe more so now i have my friends, my husband, a job i adore...

But today is an exciting day, an exciting yet sad day all in the same because...

Well, Ethan and I are moving out of the apartment, and officially into our beacon hill home.

We're both happy and elated, not sombre at all actually, but at the same time its hard not to be wistful at the memories...So many of them that we have shared together in this very apartment. Saying goodbye isn't always easy, but finally getting to own our own home together... the home where hopefully one day we will bring up our child...the home where we want to spend the rest of our lives?

Thats something to be looking forward too.

So, on this fine December morning, my Sinatra vinyl spun around on the record player Ethan had bought for us last Christmas, I had showered and changed into some leggings and a cropped camisole as i packed a few things away in the kitchen, the last bits and pieces.

Ethan and I have more or less being moving between Beacon Hill and the apartment, since things need doing on both ends. We left a few necessities here for the nights we would be here and now we're collecting those...soon enough, everything will be packed up and ready to go.

The door opened and E came in with the to go coffee he had left to go and get, and i smiled. 

"Hey you."

he smiled in return "Hey yourself. getting plenty done?"

I turned down the music to near enough zero and went over to him as he placed the coffee on the island. "Yes, but who knew two people could need so much cutlery?"

Open Heart AU 4: Ethan Ramsey x Valerie ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now