Fallout: AU4 Chapter 30

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AUTHORS NOTE: The day is young and the storm isn't anywhere near from over yet. Last chapter we left some of Edenbrooks best in the middle of danger zones...and now, only time will tell what will happen to them. In times of crisis the only thing that can be done is to find the strength to carry on...but how easy can that be when Boston is brought to its knees by the relentless hurricane that threatens the lives of the ones we hold dear? This is 'Fallout' and I hope you enjoy :)

but how easy can that be when Boston is brought to its knees by the relentless hurricane that threatens the lives of the ones we hold dear? This is 'Fallout' and I hope you enjoy :)

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The screams, cries and anguish died out as fast as it had arose...

It was replaced with, what I presumed to be a shocked silence... as the only sound now that could be heard was the rain striking the ground outside with an unprecedented ferocity.

My tear stained cheeks, pressed firmly to Ethans chest

My eyes squeezed shut

My fingernails, digging into to the soft palms of my hands...

and a tremble travelling down the length of my body...from not only the cold, but the pure fear that had led to my breath catching in my throat. 

The world simply felt it like it had been put on pause at the hand of God.

So I waited.

I waited for what felt like eternity, but in reality had only been a mere few seconds embraced in ethans tight arms as he shielded me from the storm and the spray of glass that had scattered around us....

But then he moved, parting from me a little...

The world starting up again.

 That's when with caution i opened my eyes, the light seeping through as sound flooding my ears. Ethan looked down to me and pulled me up a little, cupping my cheeks with a creased brow as he searched my eyes "Valerie, are you okay?"

Too stunned to speak, i stuttered and he repeated "Are you okay?"

I gulped before  nodding, the tears threatening to spill again as he pulled me close to his chest again, holding me in a tight embrace that attempted to soothe my shaking frame...all to no avail.

he parted from me and cupped my cheeks again, kissing my forehead before looking me over and asked"are you hurt?"

I looked to my legs and saw some glass coating me and few minor cuts.

i sniffled and shook my head "I'm- im okay- we...we need to get to everyone else..."

I wanted to get up, but my trembling body failed to support that intention, leading to Ethans brow creasing  "Stay here a moment."

i nodded, and he reluctantly parted from me, standing up from where he had been crouched on the floor with me....

"Is everyone okay? Are there any casualties?" Ethan called out

Open Heart AU 4: Ethan Ramsey x Valerie ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now