Lucky Ones: AU4 Chapter 26

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AUTHORS NOTE: The day has finally come: Doctor Ramseys birthday. The day he's been dreading, dreading the moment he checks his head of hair and sees the first grey...while hes a pessimist, his dear rookie Valerie is a complete optimist and wants him to have the best birthday he can while they're working at edenbrook. The day is set for more than birthday surprises, when Maria calls on the rest of the team for help with an emergency...  This is 'Lucky Ones' and I hope you enjoy! :)

  This is 'Lucky Ones' and I hope you enjoy! :)

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You, are my answer every time.

Every waking, breathing minute is spent thinking about you.

Loving you.

My perfectly perfect most gracious love,

Happy birthday.

Yours, until the moon turns upside down,

Love valerie.

With a flick of my wrist I was finally done writing my letter to ethan for his 39th birthday today.

And of course its me, so i've been planning and writing it over the past few weeks, but it just needed its finishing touches and final words this morning, before being sealed away in its envelope.

Letters have become a somewhat tradition of ours that i started on his last birthday. To say we don't like birthdays is neither an overstatement or understatement. The fact in the matter is were just not keen on the idea... yet for our birthdays, we always try to convince each other to celebrate it regardless.

Ridiculous, I know.

But the point of it is, I get to celebrate the person i care most about in the entire world. And in my eyes, thats worth plenty of celebrating.

Naturally ethan doesn't see that... but I do. I just hope that for everyone of his birthdays, i can remind him of the unconditional love that he was skeptical of not too many moons ago. With every letter, a gentle reminder that it couldn't be more real...

This morning, i woke to his side of the bed cool and bare, a simple note propped up on the nightstand that read:

'Good morning valerie.  I decided to leave early this morning, so take this chance to rest. There's fresh fruit and coffee in the kitchen. Your EJR."

And I already knew from that moment that, as with every year, he was feeling that array of mixed emotions about his birthday. And while E and I often share our feelings and thoughts... some we feel, are better off left inside.

Still, i got myself to work, went to the diagnostics office to set up for today and finished up his letter for this evening... which brings us up to now, where i happen to be searching for doctor Ramsey across the halls...

Open Heart AU 4: Ethan Ramsey x Valerie ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now