3: Your Turn

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Alison's POV

After working together at my house for the past two days, I made up an excuse that would leave us having to work at Emily's place. I was really starting to get curious as to why she didn't want me coming over. I mean really, what's so bad that she has to hide to this extreme?

I know I agreed to go over at 5, but I couldn't take it. Maybe if I go over a little early I'll be able to find out whatever she's hiding.

When I finally arrive and knock on her front door, a woman who I believed to be her mother opened the door.

"Oh you must be Alison? Emily is upstairs. Come on in, I'll go call her for you" she replies with a smile. Wow is this whole family always this proper?

"Thanks Mrs. Fields" I answer back uncomfortably. Im the type that never thanks anyone or ever dares to talk to anyone's family. So this felt really weird.

"Emily! Come down here!" the woman shouted up from the bottom of the stairs.

Before I know it, Emily is standing at the bottom of the stairs wearing some baggy basketball shorts and a sports bra. My jaw literally drops. Even in sportswear, this girl looks beyond stunning.

I was about to greet her, until she pulled her mom to the kitchen to talk I guess. I wanted to know what all that was about, so of course I had to eavesdrop.

"Mom don't say anything about..you know. She doesn't know. I don't want her to or anyone else here to know" I heard Emily say in a low tone.

"But honey-" her mom replies.

"Promise me mom! I don't want a repeat of last time" Em replied cutting her off in a higher tone this time. Um, okay what the hells going on? Is whatever happened before the cause that made her moved here?

When I heard footsteps along her wooden floors, I practically sprinted onto the couch hopefully making it seem like I didn't hear anything.

"Ali, wait down here. I need to go change real quick" Emily says as she speeds up the stairs. Okay well that was odd.

Maybe like 3 minutes later, she yells at me from upstairs to go to her room. I take my time going up, taking in every detail of her home. It seems pretty nice and elegant, yet simple and classy at the same time.

When I got inside her room, I couldn't help but be disappointed. She was wearing a long tank and sweats now. Why did she have to cover up those long legs, muscular stomach and those magnificent breasts of hers?

"You look comfortable in that" was all I say trying to avoid looking at her body.

"Yeah. I'm sure you wouldn't want to work on this project while my gut and boobs are all out there" she says laughing.

"You're wrong" I reply a little too quickly. Why the fuck did I just say that?

"Haha you're funny"

"No I just wish I was as comfortable as you look right now" I lie.

"Oh if you want, you can borrow something of mine?" she asks me with a smile.

"Yeah that would be great. Thanks" Damn! Why did I just thank her? At least now I get to wear something of hers. But the question is why am I so freaking happy about it? It doesn't make sense!

"Here" she says as she gives me the shorts she was just wearing along with a oversized t-shirt. I was about to go to the bathroom to change but then I thought, fuck it. I'll get dressed here, it's not like it's nothing she hasn't seen before anyways. Right?

When I noticed that she was staring at me, I could help but smirk. Hmm maybe her little secret is that she plays for the other team? I can totally go along with that.

The rest of the evening, we just talked and stared at each other mostly with a little hint of working on our project.

We were actually starting to get along and have a great time that we didn't notice the time. It was almost one in the morning and school started in 7 hours!

"Hey Em. Do you mind if I stay here the night? It's too late for me to go home now without getting in trouble" I say lying on the last part.

"Sure. Let me go get the guest room ready" she says getting up off the bed.

"Um actually, could I stay here with you? I get scared when I sleep over at houses I don't know" I lie again.

There's a long silent pause. "Please Em? I promise I won't bite" I say flashing her my puppy eyes.

"Uh um yeah okay" she says in a barely audible voice.

Bingo! Now I might just find out what her secret is. Plus, I also couldn't help but want to spend the night with her too.

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