Do You Love Me?

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Emily's POV

'I'm in love with you Emily'

Those last words just continue to echo in my head. I literally can't believe that Alison just told me she's in love with me.

I always had a feeling she had feelings towards me and wanted me. I just always thought it was mostly lust, never in my life did I think it was actual love.

"Babe, please say something" Ali says breaking me out of my shock.

"I-I don't know what you want me to say"

"Anything I guess. I just wanted to let you know how I feel about you. I really do mean it babe. If you don't, then it's okay. You don't have to" Ali says as her eyes start to get watery.

"Ali please don't cry. Let me talk first okay?"

Ali doesn't say anything, instead she just nods her head waiting for me to speak. Well I guess now is good as any to tell her how I really feel.

"I'm glad you told me all of this. Yeah, it sounds like you had a really shitty life and I don't want you feeling like that anymore. I don't want you to feel like you're all alone and unloved, because well I do love you. No wait.. scratch that"
I say as I grab her hands with mine.

"I'm done thinking about this. Ever since the day I met you a few weeks ago, you had my feelings all over the place. But just seeing you so vulnerable and you opening up to me all on your own made me finally realized that I don't have to doubt what we have anymore. I'm in love with you too Alison and I would do whatever it takes to protect you from all the hurt you've been through and make you happy again"

That's wen Ali starts crying. I hope I didn't say something bad to hurt her feelings more and on such a touchy subject too.

"That's all I ever wanted. Thanks babe" she says as she pulls me into a tight hug.

"And I promise you'll have it"

"Can we go back now? I'm starting to get cold"

"And just like that, you had to kill this loving moment"

"Really Em?" she says giving me her signature 'what the fuck' look.

"I'm just kidding babe. But fine lets go. Here, you can take my jacket"


Moments later we arrive at Alison's since her house is much closer then mine.

"Can you please stay the night with me babe?" she pouts before I could even leave.

"Um yeah sure" I say unsurely because last time this happened, things didn't go too well.

"Don't be such a baby. We're not going to do anything you don't want to"

"Fine but I'm holding you to that" I reply back laughing lightly.


Alison's POV

It was almost 2 in the morning when I woke up cuddled onto Emily's side. I guess we must have fallen asleep while watching a movie.

I was going to get up and turn the tv off, but that's when I feel Emily pull me back directly on top of her. I didn't even know she felt me move.

"Mmm don't leave me" she mutters. She's so cute when she sleep talks.

"Let me go babe, I don't want to crush you" I say trying to squirm out of her hold.

"Silly Ali" she mumbles and just pulls me closer to her. At this point I'm not even sure if she's actually still sleeping or just faking it.

Since she wasn't moving or saying anything, I figured she fell back to sleep. I still couldn't help but get aroused by the way she was holding me tightly against her.

I know I always want her physically, but this time it was all different. Now that we confessed our love for each other, I knew I didn't want to keep using her for sex so I could get off or to make her stay with me. I wanted to actually try and be intimate with the woman I love.

Yeah I know cliche, but I can't help it. She makes me feel things I never even dreamed were possible for me to experience.

Right when I was starting to get deeper in my thoughts of my girlfriend, I start to feel her rub my back soothingly.

I look down to see that Emily is indeed still asleep. I didn't want to wake her up so instead I just burrowed my face in the crook of her neck as I listened to her steady breathing and thumping of her heart.

Not even a minute later and I already have Emily's hands inside my shirt, rubbing my back sensually. Wow even in her slumber, she still manages to be sexy in the sheets.

"Em.. Babe" I moan out lightly as I shut my eyes tightly. As much as I want her right now, I have a high feeling that she doesn't. She probably doesn't even know what she's doing at the moment.

I'm surprised as she gently turns so she can lay us on our sides. It's not until that I open my eyes that I see Emily's gorgeous brown orbs staring right back at me.

"H-have you been awake this whole time?" I ask shyly.

"No but when you tickled my neck with your breathing, I woke up. You're really cuddly" Emily says before she cups my face and pulls me in for a kiss.

This kiss unlike all the others is full of passion and love. Neither of us was fighting for dominance, instead it's like a rhythmic dance of the tongues.

After a couple minutes of kissing, I automatically knew where this was headed I was just a bit unsure if she did. So I had to pull away before things could escalate anymore.

"Em, are you sure you want to?"

"I'm positive"

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