The Party

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Emily's POV

It was lunch time at school and like all week, I was about to ditch my last few classes that I shared with Alison. I still didn't have the guts to face her.

It was when I was halfway down the parking lot to my car that I heard someone yell out for me.

"Yo Fields! Wait up!"

I turn around to see it was only Noel yelling for me. But the question was why? We haven't had the best relationship since I punched him in the face last week.

"What do you want Noel? Are you going to rub me and Ali's breakup in my face again?" I say bitterly.

"No. Im sorry about that. I was still pissed at you for fucking up my nose. Still am"

"Okay so then what do you want? I kind of have to be somewhere right now" I lie.

"Where? School isn't even over yet"

"I'm meeting someone out of town. Now are you going to tell me what you want or am I just going to have to ignore you?" I answer as I start to walk away again.

"Hey wait up! I just wanted to invite you to my party tonight. The parentals will be out of town and I'm having a big early valentines party tonight. I want you to come. It'll be fun"

"No offense but why are you inviting me?"

"I just thought you might want to let loose and have fun. You know without that bitch of an Alison on your ass"

As much as I didn't want to admit it, I knew he was right. I needed to have fun and not worry about Alison or the kid for once.

"What time?"

"Give me your number I'll text you the address and time"

I finally gave in as I added my number to his phone's contacts.

"Sweet. I'll see you tonight Fields. Oh and remember to wear something sexy" he says winking before I get in my car.

"Fucking pig" I mumble out loud to myself before speeding off onto the street.

Alison's POV

I was talking to the girls during lunch time when I heard a loud car engine starting up in the parking lot. It was then that I turned to look, only to see that it was Emily's car peeling off onto the street and Noel headed in our direction. She usually never leaves that angry. Could it have something to do with Noel since he was just over there with her?

"Noel what did you tell Emily? I thought I told you to leave her alone?" I ask him through gritted teeth at I walk towards him.

"What do you care? You dumped her remember?"

"Who told you that?"

"Isn't it obvious? Besides she didn't deny it earlier"

"It doesn't mean I don't care about her" I reply back softly. Truth is I'm just surprised she didn't humiliate me at school by telling everyone she was the one that dumped me when she had the opportunity. If I were her, I most likely would have by now.

"Alison DiLaurentis care for someone besides herself? Yeah right. I'll believe that when I see it"

"What did you do to her Noel? I'm not going to ask you again"

"Fucking chill. I just invited her to my party tonight. She was just in a rush to meet some chick. I don't know"

"A chick?"

"I guess. She didn't say but knowing her, it has to be"

"Will she be at your party tonight?" I ask a little too eager for my liking.

"Yeah I think so"

"Good. Then I'll see you tonight Noel" I say and walk off to my car as well.


<Later That Night>

I arrived at Noel's cabin fashionably late as usual. Every inch of the cabin inside was packed with high school and some college students while the outside was filled with groups of people talking and drinking. But I have to admit, the lighting and drink variety was impressive to say the least.

I slowly made my way throughout the entire place in search for Emily. I thought she would be with the girls, but she wasn't.

The sad part was that even they had dates to this thing, well pretty much everyone. Was I the only loser that came here alone? Whatever it doesn't matter. I can always get one of these lonely guys to keep me company until Emily gets here.

It was close to eleven when Emily's car finally pulls up to the cabin. About freaking time! The party started well over four hours ago and I've been waiting like an idiot here for her for two of those hours!

I think I was probably a little too eager to get to Emily, because when I was a few feet away from her car I noticed her go around to the passenger's side door and open it for another girl.

I immediately overcame with jealousy, hurt and anger. Not only because she was already dating someone else, but also because it was with someone she was talking to before we happened. The nerve of Emily!

I of course wouldn't allow to be seen like this so I grabbed the nearest lone guy I was just talking to and dragged him inside the cabin with me.

Emily's POV

I can't believe I got dragged into coming to this party. I probably wouldn't even have came if it weren't for my friend practically begging me to come with her. What is it with me and not being able to say no to pretty ladies?

"Emily come have a drink with me!" my friend, Maya, yells out to me from across the room in the cabin. I of course just ignored her and continued to stare at the screen on my phone.

Actually, the whole time since I got here I was on my phone looking through my old memories of Ali and I. I didn't even know what was going on around me, until I felt Maya literally drag me into the dance floor with her.

"We're here to cheer you up not make you more depressed" she tells me in my ear over the blazing music.

"No. We're here because you wanted to be here"

"Same thing"

"I'm going to go. Just give me a call when you need a ride okay" I say before turning around to leave.

I was probably a little too thrilled to leave, that I didn't realized where I was going until I bumped into someone.

Not just anyone, but Alison.

It's definitely not my best work and I apologize for the delayed updates to come. But the beach is calling this girls name.

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