Bittersweet Moments

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(2 Months Later)

Emily's POV

"Okay, I told myself I wasn't going to ask this. But what the hell gives Em?" Spencer asks, breaking the silence as we were quietly eating our lunch at school.. Or at least trying to anyways since it wasn't all that good or even edible to begin with.

"Hm? What about?" I question in response, not fully paying attention to anything that was happening around me. 

"Why did you take Ali back that easily? And what the hell did you do to Karla? We haven't seen her around in weeks"

"What!? First of all, I didn't do shit to Karla. I broke up with her months ago because she was keeping secrets and was lying to me. And besides you guys know how much I hate that in relationships. And second of all, I'm not back with Ali. If you 3 didn't remember, my mom has her living with us in our home. It's not like I can just ignore the girl every waking second of the day when her room is literally a few feet away from my bedroom"

"Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses. We all heard those ones before" Hanna is now the one to speak.

"What? You don't believe me?"

"No one said that" Aria rapidly pipes in.

"Then what exactly did you guys mean?" I question with my arms crossed, now really intrigued where this conversation was leading to.

"Just that you and Ali have been pretty close and spending a lot of time together. Every time we invite you to go out with us, you say that you can't or make up some excuse to spend it with her instead. And it's like you never even cared about Karla to begin with" Aria responds.

"Ali and I are just friends. We kinda have to be since we're having a kid together. And what happened between Karla and I is long gone and over with"

"Whoa! Hold up there. Did you just say that you 2 are having a kid together? What happened to swearing they it wasn't yours and that you weren't going to believe or forgive her for it?" Spencer now asks.

"Well it's a high possibility. And if she's mine then so what? I'm not going to abandon my responsibilities over some stupid thing I said when I was pissed off at her. I'm not going to take it out on my kid over some mistake her mom made"

"Sounds to me like you want really this baby to be yours Em" Hanna mumbles more to herself then to any of us. "Wait! Did you just say her? So it's a girl!?" she later squeals in. Leave it to Hanna to only focus on the minor details at a rather lately manner.

"Yes Hanna. It's a girl. And before you ask, no we're not naming her after you"


"So then you're really not going to give Karla a chance to explain what she was keeping from you or why she was doing it? Maybe she has a really good reason for doing that?" Aria asks, taking the direction where the conversation was going towards something more serious instead.

"Nope. She had plenty of chances to tell me and she never even tried once"

"So did Ali but you're giving her another chance" Spencer butts in.

"Only because we're having a kid together. I can't exactly be a bitch to someone who's carrying my kid. And besides, she really seems sorry for all the bullshit she put me through"

"Well it sounds to me that either Cupid got you hard or she's just getting you off really good. Maybe both" Hanna adds in. Why in the hell does she always have to say the most randomest things possible? Does she not have a filter in her brain to keep her from mindlessly speaking whatever is on her mind without any shame?

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