6: Friday At Last

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Alison's POV

I'm so happy that it's finally Friday night. My parents are long gone and Emily is supposed to come over soon. I'm just so excited to spend time with just her this weekend. Well actually do a lot more then that, but that counts as time, right?


Yes! Finally Emily is here.

"Hey Ali" Emily says as I open the door. Gosh! She's still so timid and scared of me. I have to change that this weekend.

"Get your fine ass in here already Em" I say as I pull her in by her waist.

"Wow! You seem excited to see me"

"I'm always excited when a fine piece of ass like yourself comes to my house" I say smirking at her.

"You get girls here all the time?" she asks surprised.

"God no. You're the only one and I intend to keep it that way for a long time" I reply to her with a wink. "Now come on. Let's unwind and watch a movie or something. That is, unless you wanna do something else instead?"

"No. A movie is okay with me" she answers with a blank expression. Ok wow! I basically threw myself at her and she doesn't even care? Fine whatever. Two can play that game.


About an hour into the movie, I started to get really antsy. I can't take it anymore! We haven't said two words, let alone acknowledge each other since I pressed play.

Once I reached my limit, I knew I had to do something about it. So I went for it. I silently got up from the edge of my side of the couch and walked towards where she was seated.

"Um Ali, what are you doing?" She asks confused. She always looks confused for some reason. She must be a whole lot shyer then I actually thought she was.

"I'm giving you a little treat. What does it look like I'm doing?" I answer as I straddle her on the couch.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea" she says shyly. She really is so innocent. I have to change that one way or another.

"Trust me babe, it is. Now just sit back and relax" I reply. That's when I start to slowly grind my center directly onto her. I couldn't feel anymore thankful that she's wearing basketball shorts and that I'm in a short dress, because I can feel everything.

"God...mmm...Alliii" she moans. Fuck! I love the way she moans my name.

"You like that baby?" I say seductively as I add more pressure onto her. At this point, I can start to feel her grow. Well that was easy.

"Hmhmm" she gasps out as she reaches for my breasts. Okay double wow! This is the first time she's ever done that, and holy fuck that feel good!

"Fuck!.. Emily!" I moan out as she pulls one of my nipples out of my dress and twists it in between her thumb and index finger while I continue to grind harder onto her.

"Alllii..pleeeaase" she moaned as she bucked up into me. Well that was a hot surprise. I couldn't deny her or myself the pleasure anymore. So I quickly got off and pulled her with me up the stairs, making sure I brought her purse with me. Because I wasn't about to have unprotected sex with her, regardless of how much I liked this girl.

Once upstairs, I quickly rummaged through her bag to find what I was looking for. I was about to toss it to her so she could put it on, but I got extremely distracted. I couldn't help but notice that she was majority pitching a tent in her shorts. Fuck! That was so sexy!

"Ali, my eyes are up here" Emily says as she snaps her fingers in front of my face.

"Huh? What? Oh..yeah, you look so hot babe. Why don't you come join me on the bed?" I say embarrassed of how desperate I'm seeming.

"Okay, but I don't want to have sex tonight" she says surprising the hell out of me.

"I'm sorry, what!?" I exclaimed.

"I don't want to have sex tonight. I don't want you to keep using me like this" she says sadly. Is she being for real right now?

"I'm not using you Emily. I really l-"

"Oh yeah? Then why are you blackmailing me into having sex with you whenever you want just to keep quiet about my problem? Have you ever even thought about me or even how I feel about all of this?" Em says cutting me off.

"I never thought about that. But I never.."

"You never what Ali? You never meant to use me or you never expected me to feel like this?" she yells at me.

Usually I would go off on anyone talking to me like this, but this time I just couldn't. This girl has a much greater hold on me than I would of ever expected.

"B-both" I whisper out. At this point, my sexual desire has completely been replaced by guilt and shame.

I slowly get up to walk to where she's at and grab her hands with mine. "Look Emily, I know how I must of came off towards you. But the thing is, I never meant it when I said I'd tell on you. I just figured that it'll scare you enough to make you stick around me" I answer her sadly

"So what you were just playing me? That's low Alison, real low"

"I know. Now please let's just forget this and give me another chance. I promise I'll make it up to you" I ask as I look deeply into her warm brown eyes.

"Okay just one chance" she finally says after much hesitation.

"That's all I need" I reply as I pull her into a tight hug. "Um Em?"

"Yeah.. I'm sorry about that, it'll go down soon" she replies knowingly about her throbbing erection poking me on my hip.

"No it's okay. Let's not let it go to waste then. Come here. I'll help you out with that babe" I say smirking to her only earning a wide smile from the hot brunette in front of me.

This is for sure going to be one hell of a weekend, now that the drama is all cleared up.

So they somewhat got things cleared up. Next chapter will be some of the smutty stuff you guys requested. After that I'm not too sure...
Should I keep going with this story or no?

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