New Roomate

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<2 Weeks Later>

Alison's POV

This is it.

Today's the day that I tell my parents about me being pregnant. I know for a fact that things won't go too well with them since all they ever care about is their precious reputation. I just figured that it'll be best for me to tell them before they hear it out on the streets and give me a more harsher punishment like getting shipped out to god knows what country with some relatives I never knew about before.

But if worst comes to worse then I'll probably just get kicked out. It's not like it'll make much of a difference anyways. I already lost everything that I cared about to begin with.

"Dad, Mom?" I say as I walk down the stairs in search of my parents before I have the chance to change my mine and chicken out all together. The one time I need to talk to them and they're no where to be found. Figures..

I lounged around the living room for approximately two hours until my dad came home, alone. Oh well, at least it's better then nothing I suppose.

"Alison? What are you doing here? shouldn't you be at school?"

"Dad. It's 4 in the evening"

"Oh, well then what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out with.. someone somewhere?"

"No. I wanted to talk to you and mom. Where is she by the way?"

"She's at the office. So how much do you need this time?"

"What? No.. None. I don't need money. I need to tell you something. But please don't get mad"

"Alison Lauren DiLaurentis what did you do this time?" my dad says in his pre-lecture fatherly voice.

"I might of uh... gotten pregnant?" I say whispering out the last part. Fuck! I can't believe I'm actually going through with this.

"Excuse me? Did you just say you got pregnant?"

Since I was having trouble forming coherent words of any kind, I just nodded in confirmation. Well it was nice living.

"What! Who is this guy? I will make sure to have him castrated!"


"Who's the guy that did this to you?"

"Dad! Will you just please just listen to me? It's not the guys fault. I wanted it too. I just.. I didn't know it would turn out like this"

"Of course it would end up like this. Haven't you learned anything about this in school? Or do they not teach Sex Ed anymore?"

"You're missing the point here"

"I want it gone.. Now! Do you hear me young lady?"

"W-what?" I stutter. He can't be serious. Can he?

"I want you to get rid of that abomination inside you right this instant. I'm going to have a talk with your mother about this and have her set up whatever kind of appointment to take care of it. Heavens knows we can't have you showing yourself in public like this. What would the people in this town think of us when they see you.  Everyone will think we raised a floozy who spreads her legs for everyone that's willing. We'll be the laughing stock of the whole state" he says while pacing throughout the living room. 

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