Back again

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Okay so I know I left you guys hanging for what maybe 2 years now? I totally apologize for that. I lost track of this story and well life happened.

Buuuuut if anyone is still remotely interested in this story anymore, let me know so I can start this back up and finish it properly. Maybe even write a bit for my other stories as well, and yes that includes the smut ones.

Unfortunately, I've lost most of my ideas and the rough drafts that I had saved for this story. So I'm going to need a bit of help from you guys. If you have any ideas of what you wanna see happen, please let me know. I'll try to make them happen and plus it'll give me inspiration to write more as well. Just DM me on here or my Twitter. Preferably twitter since I'm hardly on here anymore except for the rare Mondays when I post updates.

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