Changing Our Ways

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<Friday That Week>

Emily's POV

This past school week has gone pretty good. Alison and I have gotten along a lot better then previously. We even managed to ace our project presentation and put sex aside long enough so that we could get to know each other a little better.

The only thing is that Alison and I don't really talk or spend time together at school. She's always with her group and I'm with the girls I recently became friends with. I'm no expert in relationships, but even I know this isn't right.

Maybe she's not ready to come out or she's probably ashamed of me? I better just ask her before I get too attached and end up getting hurt in the end.

But before I could even go talk to her, I got stopped by some awkward looking girl.

"Hey Emily, right?" she asks.


"You probably don't know me, but I was wondering if you wanted to go out and grab a coffee with me today after school?"

Right when I was about to respond, I feel a light grip around my waist.

"Sorry bitch. But Emily is mine! I suggest you keep walking, unless you want your daddy knowing your little secret?" I hear Alison speak.

Did she just threaten this girl for flirting with me? Is that what it takes for me to be able to get her attention out in public?

I was about to apologize to the girl, but she practically sprinted off before I could even open my mouth.

"Alison, why did you just do that?" I ask turning around to look my girlfriend in the eyes.

"I don't want that loser Paige hitting on my girlfriend" she growls.

"So that's what it takes for you to acknowledge me here at school? So what you're going to avoid me and pretend like we're nothing. But the moment some other girl comes to ask me out, all of a sudden I'm your girlfriend?" I say through gritted teeth.

"Emily, you know that's not the reason why I'm acting like this"

"Right, it's because you're the queen bee. You don't want to be embarrassed to be seen by me" I snap back.

"That's not how it seems. You got to believe me"

"Yeah right. I'll believe that when I see it. Otherwise we can ju-" I say before I'm cut off by Alison pushing me against the outside wall as she kisses me hard, in front of everyone.
I was surely not expecting that.

As she pulls away, she rests her forehead against mine and looks me in the eyes. "Now do you believe me?"

I just nodded my head in a 'yes' motion.

"Good because I wasn't lying to you about my feelings or anything else I told you this weekend" she says as she grabs my hand as we begin to walk throughout the school.

I guess she might really care after all. The affection she's giving me is like nothing I've gotten before, well at least not to this level anyways.

I should at least give this a shot. After all, if things go south and we do end up having a kid then we'll have to be in each other's lives. And I'd like to say that I tried everything I could to make this work out.

"Um Alison?" I ask in a low voice.

"Yeah Em?" She responds as she stops walking to look directly at me

"Can I take you out on a date tonight?"

"Babe you don't have to ask. But sure I'd love that. I was wondering when you'd take me out"

"Really? Why's that?"

"Well considering our weekend together, you pretty much owe me dinner" she answers laughing.


<Later That Night>

It was around 7 in the evening when I arrived to pick Alison up at her house for our date.

I must admit, I'm completely nervous about this. What if Alison changes her mind and doesn't want me anymore? Wait, why do I even care? I'm I really starting to like her too? Ugh! This is so confusing.

After thinking for a long time outside her porch, I finally knocked and out came Alison. She looked absolutely stunning. She was in a simple black dress that hugged her curves perfectly in every possible way.

"Em, my eyes are up here" she says as I'm brought out of my inappropriate thoughts.

"I-I y-you look good Ali" I stutter only turning red out of embarrassment.

"You look pretty hot yourself too babe" she says as she pulls me in by my neck to give me a kiss. "Where are we going tonight? she then adds.

"Um I don't know this town good enough yet, so maybe just a movie and dinner? Is that okay?" I ask nervously.

"Of course" she answers. I couldn't help but sigh in relief. "Are you nervous Em?"

"Y-yeah a bit. This will be our first date. I want it to go right"

"You're cute when you're all flustered like that. Just relax babe, well be fine. And if you're good tonight, I might just give you a little dessert on the side" she replies with a smirk.

The whole date went pretty great. The thing I loved the most was that we really got to know each other a lot more personally during dinner. We learned that we have similar tastes in food and a lot of other stuff in common as well.

And during the movie, we even got to cuddle together. She was just so warm and soft. I couldn't get enough of her vanilla scent or the way she clung on to my shirt on my torso. Even the way her warm breath felt against my neck was starting to make me feel comfortable with her.

Now I really do think that I'm starting to fall for this blonde girlfriend of mine. I know it should of occurred before we started going out, but I don't care. What matters is that it happened.

I now know that I want her and that she wants me, and at this point that's all that matters to me.

Since you guys are liking this story.. What do you guys wanna see happen next?
I already have a few ideas but I'm curious to see what you guys want.
Let me know and you just might get it 😉

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