Moving On

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Emily's POV

Who the fuck does Alison think she is? Does she seriously think that I'm going to fall for her sorry ass excuse and take her back that easily? She did so much damage to me already in the short amount of time that I've known her for me to even be able to consider that as a possibility.

She can be with fucking Nick for all I care. I'm done being Alison's punching bag whenever she wants to do her own thing only to come back to me when she needs a fuck buddy or when things are convenient enough for her.

It had now been another two weeks since that talk in my car and I can honestly say that I haven't stopped thinking about it. I came so damn close to forgiving Alison and giving her another chance, but then I thought maybe I should be with someone else that will make me happy and not put me through so much heartbreak. So of course I went with the latter of the two and just tried to avoid having too much interaction with Alison.

Okay I must admit, moving on from someone you loved so deeply was hard, but finding someone who was open minded enough to be okay with my special condition was proven to be more difficult. Obviously I didn't tell the girls that were interesting in me this, I just asked 'what if' scenarios to see if they were willing. It wasn't until I met a new girl at work that my luck began to change. 

I first met Karla, when she came to the brew asking for directions to school one day and since then she has been coming almost everyday to visit. Half the time she doesn't even order anything, but just comes to see how I'm doing. I figured that it was just because I looked really sad to begin with and because I was the only other teenager in this town that she knew. We ended up really hitting it off after the second day when she asked for my number and we began texting on a daily basis. That's when I also found out that she moved here from Miami trying to get away from her girlfriend problems as well. Small world I suppose.

Since she went to Rosewood High as well, I took it upon me to introduced her to my group of friends and showed her around school. Thankfully, the girls loved her so they didn't take it as such surprise when she asked me out on the first date. I think they were just happy that I was finally moving on and being happy with someone that wouldn't cause me as much pain as the blonde did. I guess the fact that even her appearance being the complete opposite from Alison's helped a lot. She was a tiny little thing.  About 5'2, thin but with and athletic build, really long wavy brown hair, a slight tanner complexion then Ali but not as dark as me, oh and don't even get me started on her gorgeous brown eyes and smile.  Who would of thought that basic brown eyes could ever be that attractive?

So I guess I can ultimately say that I was happy once again, Karla and I seemed to mend each other's broken hearts equally.  Truthfully though there will always be a place for Alison in my heart and I of course still get sadden when I see her around school, or well when I used to. It seems as if I haven't seen her since she first saw me and Karla walking around campus hand in hand laughing that I stopped seeing her. I would normally not give a fuck about it because well she's my past now, but just seeing her broken down face as she tried to hold back the tears threatening to spill from her baby blues really spoke to me. She must still have some type of feeling for me like I do for her.

But to be honest, I didn't expect that reaction from her so it made it more difficult for me. I guess she'll learn to move on eventually, just like I did.  It'll probably take her a bit longer, but she'll get there in the end. I'm sure of it.

It wasn't until I felt my girlfriend sit down onto my lap and give me a quick peck on my cheek that I stopped reminiscing about all these thoughts of Ali. 

"You alright there baby? Seems like you're thinking really hard about something?" Karla asks me with a sympathetic smile on her face already knowing where my thoughts were placed since I only come to school before hours when I need to get away from those particular thoughts.

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