The Spot

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<Two Weeks Later>

Alison's POV

Ever since Emily pretty much came out in school, I have been falling deeper in love with her since then. Granted we never actually said those three words to each other directly but I think I might be the one to change that tonight.

What I also like is that Emily's friends are kind of like becoming mine too. I don't know if they're putting up with me because of her or because they actually want to. Maybe it's because they feel protected that others can't bully them if they're with me? Either way, I'm liking the feeling of having people in this school to talk to since I'm usually always by myself.

"So are you guys coming to my sleepover tonight?" Spencer asks all of us during lunch.

"Only if you have snacks" Hanna replies.

"Sure, I just have to ask my parents first" Aria answers.

"Um no sorry. I have a date planned out for Emily and I" I reply not even bothering to check in with Em first.

"We do? Why didn't you tell me? Or did I forget?" Emily asks all confused. God I love seeing her all lost. And when her little dimple above her eyebrow shows, that just kills me. "Uh earth to Ali!" She adds.

"Oh uh what?" I answer all flustered. Hopefully I didn't make it too obvious for the other girls to notice.

"How come you didn't tell me about our date tonight?" Em asks again this time more bluntly.

"It's a little something called a surprise. Maybe you heard of those?" I joke.

"Okay well anyways I guess it's just us three. You guys have fun on your little date then" Spencer says.. hurt?

"Look I'm sorry Spencer. I would totally make it but I already have reservations. Maybe you guys can have a redo at my house this weekend or something? My treat"

"No shit. If it's your house obviously you're going to be the one pay for the snacks and drinks. There will be alcohol there.. right?" Hanna just had to ask.

"Yeah sure. So we good then girls?" I ask looking guilty to all three of them. I sort of actually feel guilty though. To be honest, I just wanted Emily to myself. I didn't have anything planned out. I just really wanted to be with my girlfriend tonight.

"I guess so" they all say in unison.

"Great, thanks" I reply as the bell rings and we start heading towards our classes.

<Later That Day>

"Ali? Where are you taking me?" Emily asks as we walk from her house towards the woods.

"I'm taking you somewhere that's special to me"

"In the middle of the woods? You're not just going to murder me and dispose of my body somewhere out here, are you?" she says joking. At least I hope she was, because her hand that is intertwined with mine is literally shaking.

"No. I'd miss you way too much if I did that" I answer as I give her a gentle squeeze on her hand for reassurance.

"So tell me again why you're taking me to the middle of nowhere at night"

"You sure ask a lot of questions babe. But if you must know, this place I'm taking you to is like my go-to point. Whenever I felt miserable or I just needed to go away for a bit and think, this was always my spot"

"Have you brought any other people here before?"

"No. You're actually going to be the first. Since this is a special place for me, I wanted to share it with someone who means a lot to me"

"For a queen bee, you're really cheesy you know?"

"Oh shut up. You know you love it" I say as I tug on my girlfriends hand and lead her up a small hill.

"So.. this is it. What do you think?"

"I don't get it. Does the wishing well have like a hidden meaning or something?" Emily asks confused as usual.

"Sort of. I would always come here and wish for things to be better in my life. It sort of explains why I'm the way that I am if you actually think about it"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... you ever notice how my parents are never around, except that one weekend when you met them? Or how about how I act all hardcore and carefree at school when I'm really not?"

"I never really thought about it before"

"It's because I don't want people knowing that my own parents don't care about me. I used to feel so unwanted that I'd let just anyone come into my life before and I would always come out hurt in the end. So now I just don't bother to let anyone know the real me, I don't want to give anyone the opportunity to come into my life and hurt me again. So instead I hurt others, it's like my way of protecting myself"

"H-how come you're telling me all this?"

"Because you're what I've been coming to this spot and wishing that I'd someday have. Ever since that day I accidentally found this place when I was a little girl, I would wish that I'd find someone special enough to help me feel like I wasn't so alone anymore. Someone that would want to be with me through my flaws and help me become a better person. I just never thought it would ever actually come true, that was until I met you. You're the first and only one I've ever felt this way for. I'm in love with you Emily"
Just another little filler chapter. Idk about this one though. I was going to go in another direction, but I love the raw emotions and tension so much that I just had to twist it up and have them show it a bit more.
And for those of you that got the wishing well reference, kudos to you 😉

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