And So It Begins...

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Emily's POV

I woke up the next morning to a blinding light in my face, a pounding headache, and my room slightly trashed. It didn't take long before the memories of the unpleasant thoughts of lasts night's events rushed back to my mind all at once. Worst of all was the fact that I never called my girlfriend back, instead I went straight towards my room and began to have a mini rampage as I trashed my room a bit.

All of a sudden my phone began to ring with Karla's and I's song. Of course she would be the one to call first thing in the morning, probably pissed off as to why I never called her back last night.

"Hello?" I respond in my groggy morning voice.

"Babe? Why didn't you call me back last night? Did something happened? Are you okay?" I hear my girlfriend's frantic voice emerge from the other end of the line in a bit of a rapid pace.

"Yeah. It depends what you mean by okay"

"What do you mean? What happened?"


"What did that crazy bitch do to you now?"

"Calm down babe. Nothing happened. It's just my mom"

"But I thought you said it was Alison?" her adorably confused voice asked.

"Yeah, well my mom has her living with us now and we-"

"Say no more. I'm coming over" And with that she hung up the phone. Fuck my life! Is it too much to ask for just one regular and non problematic day for once? And this early in the morning too? Now I know how guys feel having to deal with all this women drama. I just can't seem to recall what on earth did I do to receive this.

About half an hour passes by and I'm barely getting redressed from my morning shower and daily routines. I normally would of taken a bit longer but this time I didn't really have much of an option since Karla said she was coming over. 

That's when the doorbell rang, just in time too. I swear it's like she does it on purpose and right on the times when I happen to be thinking about her. 

But before I could even reach the stairs, the front doors locks were already sounding the induction that someone had opened the door for her. 

"Please don't let it be Alison. Please don't let it be Alison. Please don't let it be Alison" I whispered out low enough for only me to hear as I maneuver my way through the upstairs hallway and towards the stairs.  

But right when I got downstairs I was greeted with non other then Alison in some extremely short shorts and an all too tight tank top opening the door to my current girlfriend. Of course! It just had to be my luck!

"Can you please tell my girlfriend that I'm here to pick her up?" Karla says purposely heightening the word 'my'.  And here I thought my whole life that it would be great having two girls fighting over me, but now that it's happening it's so not fun. Not even one tiny little bit.

"You can tell her your damn self" Alison says before leaving the door wide open and bumping my shoulder hard as she walks right past me to go back upstairs.

"Jeez what crawled up her ass?" Karla asks, closing the front door behind her before coming to give me a tight hug and quick peck on the lips.

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