The Confession?

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Emily's POV

"I want to tell you something regarding the baby" I hear Alison say.

Wait! did I hear right? What could possibly be wrong with the baby? It's barely been like a month I think? There's no way something can be detected that early, can it?

"Ali.. please tell me there's nothing wrong with the baby" I say as an unwanted tear escapes my eye.

"What? No!" she says a little too fast for my liking.

"Then what's wrong with the baby?" I ask with a shaky voice.

"Emily, I'm not pr-"

"Don't Alison. Don't you dare finish that sentence" I state through gritted teeth.

"But Em.."

"No! I swear to god Alison! You better not of have killed it" I say now really crying. I never would of thought that I'd get upset over not having a kid but damn. After coming around to the idea of it, I was starting to love it.

"Emily please" Ali pleads through watery eyes.

"No. Please tell me you didn't Ali. You can't do this to me or my kid" I say as I back away from her on her bed.

"I promise you Emily. I would never do that to our baby"

"Then what's wrong?"

"Emily.. I- I'm not pregnant" Ali whispers out.


"I'm not having a baby"

"You're not?" I ask extremely shocked, confused and slightly sadden all at once.

"No. But think on the bright side, we don't have to worry about a baby anymore. Now we can have fun, enjoy our senior year together and just be normal teenagers" Alison responds a little too over excited.

"Why are you so happy about that?"

"I just am. I mean aren't you?"

"You never wanted to have a kid did you?"

"No, not really" she responds bluntly.

I didn't know how to respond to that. I mean I always kind of had a feeling she didn't and I know I didn't back then, but now I just didn't know what to feel.

"Don't tell me you did?" Ali asks me astonished.


"Oh my god! You did! Didn't you?"


"Don't lie to me Emily" she says in a demanding voice along with the meanest glare I've ever seen coming from her.

"Okay fine! At first I didn't want the kid. But after we got together and actually had time to adjust to the idea, I started to like the idea of it"

"Idea of what?"

"Of having a little you running around and us getting our own place with a future together and everything"


"Yeah I was even starting to get excited about having a little prince or princess to be able to spoil and love like crazy"

"What about me?" Ali asks, giving me a pouty frown.

"I'll still love you. It's just there would of been another part of you to love too" I answer without realizing what I just said. I really do feel that way completely, it's just that Ali and I never talked about it with either other. Not even when we thought we were having a kid.

That's when I felt something wet on my hand that I was holding Ali's hand with. It was a tear. But why was she crying? Did she really hate what I thought our future together would be like?

"Ali please don't cry. I'm sorry if I said something wrong to upset you" I plead out to her.

"Babe you didn't make me mad. I'm just happy. Extremely frightened you feel that way, but in a good way I guess"

"Oh.. I'm sorry? I didn't mean it" I say just a notch above a whisper.

"Em it's okay I totally unders-" Ali began to say before her phone rudely went off.

I expected her to ignore the call, but when she saw the name her face lit up like a Christmas tree. Does she always get this happy with all her calls?

"Hey Nick! Hold up let me go somewhere more private" she says as she walks out of her room. Am I just supposed to wait like an idiot until my girlfriend came back? And right when I thought we were having a serious and much needed conversation too!

I didn't let it bother me though. I knew if it were Alison in my place, she would be furious and question me about every little detail. I just figured I'd give her the benefit of the doubt and wait until she wanted to explain to me what was going on.

I waited close to an hour before Alison came back into her room. Thank god I charged my phone here otherwise I would be bored shitless with nothing to do.

"Hey Em? I'm going to go out for a bit. I'll be back in a few hours" she says, grabbing her coat and keys.

"Ali it's almost midnight. You shouldn't be going out that late. And I thought you wanted to spend time together? Isn't that why you were so mad at me in the first place?"

"I'll just be gone for 2, maybe three hours tops. Nothing will happen and yeah, but at least we can cuddle and go to sleep together when I get back" she says nonchalantly.

"Okay, I'll come with you then" I say rising up from her bed.

"No!" she responds a little too quickly, again.

"What? What do you mean no?"

"Just stay here! I'll be back soon. I just have to take care of something real quick"

"But Ali.."

"No Em"

Okay now I know she's hiding something from me. No doubt about it. I'm just going to have to follow her and see where she goes.

"Okay. You win. Just be safe please"

"I will. I'll be back soon. You should go to bed. I'm sure you're already tired. I won't take long"

"Okay babe. Love you"

"Love you too" Ali says as she comes to give me a kiss on the cheek before leaving out the door. But the cheek? She never does that! It's always on the lips.

I bet it has something to do with that nick guy. And I'm determined to find out what that is.

I quickly put my shoes back on and grabbed my phone and keys to follow her. That was when I realized that I walked to work and I got a ride here from Alison after work.

Fuck! Now what am I gonna do!?

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