Date Gone Wrong?

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Emily's POV

I was just about to walk back to my car after dropping Alison off at her house. Well that was until she stopped me.

"Babe. Can you spend the night with me please? My parents aren't home and I don't want to be home alone again" she asks with a pout.

As much as I want to go home and rest up, I know I can't say no to her. After all that's what girlfriends are for, right?

"Ugh! Fine but only because you asked nicely" I respond as Ali jumps on me practically knocking me down onto the hard ground.

"Yay! Thanks babe"

As soon as I walk in her house, Alison drags me up the stairs to her room. Of course I should have known.

"Ali why did you bring me up here? I thought we were just going to have a regular sleepover" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Well I know that you like being comfortable and keeping your little beast trapped down isn't too comfy for you. So I just thought you might want to change into something more roomie?"

Okay wow. I was not expecting that. "That's really thoughtful of you and yeah that would be awesome" I reply as Ali hands me a pair of shorts and an oversized tee.

Once Ali and I both change into our pjs she puts on a cheesy comedy movie and cuddles up to me, with her head on my chest and left leg over both of mine. I honestly never thought she'd be this type of girl. Most of the time she's always so mean and rude to everyone around her, especially at school.

About half an hour into the movie she looks up to me fairly quickly, only to end up startling me.

"Ali what's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"Nothing, I hope. I just wanted to ask you about that girl at school"

"Which girl?" I ask a bit confused.

"The one flirting with you"

I didn't respond. I wasn't sure which girl she was talking about, to be honest.


"Wait! There's more then one girl flirting with you?" she asks more aggressively this time as she gets up to sit next to me.

"No. I think they were just being friendly is all" I answer shyly.

"So there is more then one girl flirting with you!" she says now raising her voice more then it was moments before.

"Ali. Calm down babe. Nothing is happening with them okay?" I reply now sitting up so that I can look at her. Wait. Did I just call her babe?

"Don't tell me what to do Emily! How the hell do you expect me to react when I'm just finding out that you don't even care that other girls are hitting on you?"

"Um because I won't do anything with them?" I answer questionably.

"Is that what you said about me first too?"


"Oh don't play dumb with me Emily. You know if you get the chance to fuck any other girl out there, you'd take it!" she says practically yelling at me.

"So that's how you see me then? Some hormonal freak that would just fuck anyone just for the hell of it!?" I yell back. I can't believe she's acting like this over nothing.

"That's not what I meant"

"Sure it was" I say as I get up from the bed. "You know what? I thought you'd be different. Maybe I was wrong about you after all"

"Emily wait!"

"No! I'm leaving. I'm not about to stay here any longer only to have you yell at me for something I didn't even do!" I say as tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

Just as I was about to walk out her bedroom door, Alison pulls me from my waist and slams me against the wall next to her doorway. Okay ouch! That hurt and the light switch didn't make it any less painful.

"You're not leaving anywhere Emily" she orders through gritted teeth. Okay now I'm a little scared.

"W-wh-why?" I stutter out.

"Because I'm not letting my girlfriend leave me"

I just stand there completely shocked. Is Alison being serious with me right now?

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