The Job

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<Two Weeks Later>

Emily's POV

I still can't believe Alison and I are finally back together! Now I'm really starting to feel stupid for dumping her in the first place. I just can't help but love her unconditionally, even if she flat out lied to my face.

I'm just glad I was able to put that problem aside long enough to think rationally. Which of course lead to the fact that I would have to get a job and focus more on my school work. Crazy right? Considering the fact that I've been a straight 'A' student all my life. But if it meant that me being all work and no play would give my child and girlfriend a better life then I guess it had to be done.

Unfortunately the only job I was able to get in this little town was at The Brew, our local coffee shop. I was even on my way to work when I got a call from Alison.

"Em? Where are you? I thought you were going to come over today?" I hear an irritated Alison say on the other end of the phone call.

"Sorry babe. I can't today. I got a job and today's my first day. I'm actually on my way there right now. Maybe we can do it after I get off work. Say, around 9?" I reply trying not to upset her more then I already had.


"I need the money"

"But why? It's not like you have bills to pay or anything" she asks extremely annoyed this time.

"Well no. But I do have to save up so I can take care of you and our baby. That's more then enough reason for me"

"Em I really have to talk to you about that... soon" she says nervous? But why?

"It's okay Ali. You don't have to say anything. Nothing you say now will change my mind to make me run away from our family"

"Em, you don't get It. I really need to talk to you" she states.

"Um okay? Well can you tell me later? My first shift is about to start now"


"Thanks babe. Love you"

"Love you too" I hear Ali say before I end the call.

Well this should be an interesting day. I just wonder what Ali had to tell me anyways?


It was a little over seven hours later and I was about to get off my first shift of work. Well that was until a man came into the coffee shop. I figured I'd help him out real quick before leaving. I mean, how long could he take to order, right?

I guess I was dead wrong! It was well past my shift and this guy was still here making small talk about a bunch of nothingness. I mean, who the hell cares about what his cousins did this morning?

I really wanted to punch him in the jaw just so he would stop talking, but I had to be nice and patient since my boss was right beside me the whole time. Was this like some kind of weird test I had to pass?

"So what's a pretty girl like yourself doing working here?" the guy says cutting me out of my thoughts. Such a shame too, they were really good thoughts of all the possible ways I wanted to hurt him for making me leave work late.

I didn't answer. I mean why should I? My life is nobody's business, but my own and Alison's now. Instead I just continued to clean my work station that way I could leave soon after.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asks after a long pause of silence.


"How about I take you out on a date when you're free then?"

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