Big News and A Sleepover

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Alison's POV

Since Emily and I didn't show up to school yesterday, we figured to take today off as well. The surprising thing though was that my little goody two-shoes of a girlfriend was the one that had to talk me into ditching today. Who would have figured?

But the best part was that Emily and I practically had lazy days since yesterday evening when we woke up. All we did was cuddle, eat pizza and watch movies in bed.

At least tonight should be fun since the girls are sleeping over. It'll honestly be my first actual sleepover with friends. Well besides those nights with Emily, but I guess that those don't really count.

"Babe, when are the girls coming over again?" I hear Em yell from upstairs as she gets dressed.

"In 30 minutes" I yell back. I swear that girl takes twice as long to get ready then I do.


It was hours after the girls arrived and we were still playing games while we had movies from Netflix playing in the background.

"Can we finally get to the drinking games pleeeease" Hanna whined.

"Fine but careful Han. You drink too much and you'll end up telling us all your secrets" I say in an amused tone.

"Isn't that the whole point of getting wasted with friends?" she retorted.

"I guess so" I say smiling. Finally realizing I can count them as my real friends if they're willing to swap secrets with me. I was probably a little more enthusiastic about it then I should have though because next thing i know, I'm getting snapped out of my thoughts.

"You okay over there Ali? You've been smiling from ear to ear for a long time now. Don't your cheeks hurt?" Aria asks laughing.

"Oh shut up and pick a drinking game already"

"Oh how about 'Never Have I Ever' and when we're wasted enough we can play strip poker?" Hanna says overly excited only earning amused looks from the other girls.

"Um no I'll have to pass on strip poker" Em says shyly.

I give her a weird look until she looks down to her lap. That's when I realized why. How could I've been so stupid to forget?

"Yeah how about we do something else instead of strip poker? Wouldn't it feel weird being half naked in front of each other?" I ask trying to not make it obvious.

"You're one to talk" Han mumbles.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What I think Hanna meant is that you and Em are both into girls and she figured you two would be the ones most into it"

"No offense but I'll rather be the only one to look at my girl. I don't like sharing and I'm not interested in staring at others either. Especially not my friends" I lied, or so I thought I did. The moment I said it out loud, I realized it was the complete honest truth.

"Ugh fine whatever. Who's going first. I want to drink already" Hanna cuts in.

"Yeah me too. I had a long day at school and I need to let loose" Aria adds.


A couple more hours later and all the girls besides Emily are buzzed, well except Hanna who is completely shitfaced.

"Emmm?" I say to my girl once I noticed that she seemed a bit distant the whole night.

"Oh that reminds me!" Hanna blurts out of nowhere.

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