What Now?

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Emily's POV

Yesterday was both a great and terrifying day for me. I mean, I'm glad me and Alison had sex like crazy in almost every room of her house. But the best part was the fact that we somewhat talked about what was going on between us.

The only thing I was terrified about was the time I accidentally came in her. I must admit it's my fault, I got completely carried away. I just really don't want her to have a baby, let alone mine. We don't even know each other that well for this to be happening.

After all, all we ever do together is either have sex or do homework. That can't be a good foundation for something like this.

"Alison?" I barely manage to squeak out as i look down to see her laying by my side, while her head is buried in between my chest. I hope she's awake, I really need to ask her.

"Ugh! What do you want Emily? It's still too early to be up" she answers grumply.

"Alison it's already 2 in the afternoon"

"So what? You know we were up most of the night" she growls at me.

"Well sorry" I reply back with an attitude. I hate when she's like this to me. One minute she wants me and the next, she's being nothing but rude to me.

"Look, I'm sorry Em. I didn't mean to be a bitch. I'm just scared okay!" she finally responds as she looks up to meet my gaze. "Emily, what will happen if I do end up pregnant?" she then adds in a shaky voice.

I stay quiet for a moment. I know what I have to do, the problem is I dont know if I want to. "We'll figure it out when we get there. After all I only came a little inside. And besides, you already took the Plan B so chances are you're not having a baby" I finally say once I get enough strength to speak.

"Uh y-yeah. But I mean like what if we do? Then what?"

I hate these questions. I don't want to think about this at all. "Then I'll be there with you through it all. I mean I know we don't know each other that good but I guess now we kinda have to. You know, just in case" I reply dreading what I just said.

"Okay. Just wanted to make sure babe" she says. Why does she keep calling me babe or baby? And what's with all that kissing? Are we like in some kind of relationship that I don't know about?

"Alison, why do you keep calling me those terms of endearment?" I ask after a moment of silence.

"Okay you caught me. I really like you Em. I just didn't know how to tell you" she replies as she strokes my stomach, while still maintaining eye contact with me.

I didn't say anything. I mean, how can I when I don't know if I feel the same? I don't like lying.

"So you don't like me back?" She asks raising her head up to look at me. Oh no, now she's getting teary eyed. Wow this girl is really emotional.

"Uh I didn't say that. I just don't know. I don't know what to believe. You're always so hot and cold with me. How do I know you won't turn into a bitch to me when we go back to school tomorrow or when you don't get your way?"

"I know. But I promise you I'll change" she says as a tear streams down her cheek. "Just give me one chance please? I know I can do it when I have someone as kind as you to help me" she then adds.

"Um okay I guess maybe we can see"

"So.. Um does that mean I can call you my girlfriend now?" She then asks. Girlfriend! Wait What?!


"I really want to be with you Emily. I know you probably don't feel the same, but I'm willing to change for you" she says while continuing to cry. "So do you want to be my girl too or..?"

I'm screwed. I know I can't say no to pretty girls, let alone ones crying to me. "I guess we can give this a shot. Just no using me for only sex or being bipolar with me" I reply.

"Deal" she says giving me a quick peck on the lips.

Well this weekend was a total bust! I came here to work things out with Ali so she would keep my secret safe, instead we go at it like bunnies and I somehow get a girlfriend. Talk about bizarre. This was so not how I wanted things to go.

Alison's POV

I can't believe i just got Emily freaking Fields to be my girlfriend! I guess this weekend turned out better then I have thought it would be.

The only thing i wasn't so thrilled about was the shower thing. Of course it was great, along with all the other times after that. I just wasn't sure I should tell her. Well at least not just yet anyways.

I know I said I was going to go out and get the back up pills today so I could take them immediately. The only problem with that was that I didn't. I just couldn't.

How would the people in this town see me if they found out? This place is small enough and everyone always knows each other's secrets. I couldn't let anyone know I was out there slutting it up and having unprotected sex. So obviously I didn't take, let alone buy the pills.

If Emily knew, she'd probably hate me for life. I just have to hope and pray that I don't get pregnant. Now that I have my girl, I want to make sure I don't mess things up any more then they already are.

Just a little filler chapter. Idk about this story though guys. It makes me feel really weird writing Em this way. Plus I have no clue what hetro sex is like. So I'm just winging it with help of the obviousness in it and my colorful imagination hahaha. But since I have a few people messaging me to keep going with this fic, maybe I just might?
Let me know what you guys think.

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