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(2 Weeks Later)

Alison's POV (8 months along)

Words can't seem to have the ability to express how happy I feel now that I finally got my girl back.

It's just a shame that I had to lose and be without Emily for almost a year before I finally realized that this is what I truly wanted. Now that I have her, I don't ever want to let her go. I don't think I'll be able to handle that all over again, and definitely not with our child around.

Not much has changed since Emily asked me to be her girlfriend again, except for the fact that we now both sleep in her bed and can actually be physically affectionate with one another once again. And let me just say, the past couple of weeks like that have been amazing to say the least. I honestly would have thought that me being pregnant would have its limitations in that field, but boy was I completely wrong. Either Emily got some new experience or I'm just overly satisfied because it's sex with the one I love. Or maybe even both.

But waking up to her by my side never seems to get old. Like right now. Watching my girlfriend peacefully sleeping in my arms almost makes my unfortunate early wake up habits worth while. I get to take in this time to admire her sleeping form. From the way her long brown locks are tousled about the pillow, to how her mouth is slight ajar with her luscious bottom lip slightly sticking out and the way her chest heaved in a slow rhythmic pattern as she breathed.

Moments like these make the waiting for our little princess to get here even much more unbearable then they already are. Ugh.. as if the constant uncomfortableness wasn't enough motivating already.


Just then a beeping noise from Emily's phone goes off getting my attention. I know I told myself that I wouldn't be intrusive but I still can't help to get curious as to who could be texting her this early. Hell it wasn't even 7am yet. And on a Saturday if I might add.

Unfortunately the curiosity got the better of me as I then find myself leaning over my girl in order to reach her phone on the night stand by side of her bed.

Fuck! This is so wrong and a lack of trust and jealousy on my side but even then I still can't help it.

"Mm who is it Ali?" Em asks in her raspy morning voice.  Did she notice me getting her phone without her permission? Of course she had to know. I mean I did practically crush her with my big stomach as I tried to get the cellphone. I just hope she doesn't get mad at me. 

"I uh don't know.  I didn't.. check. I just wanted to put it on silent so it doesn't.. wake you up?" I lie.

"Ali. Hey look at me" she says now sitting up on the bed and wiping away at her eyes. "I don't care if you want to check my phone okay. You're my girlfriend and if you wanna see who it is then go for it. I got nothing to hide anyways. So who was it?"

"I uh.. it was.. what!?" I ask astonished. "How can you be okay with me doing this when you have no reason for me to doubt you in any way. If anything, it should be you having to check my phone. After all I am the pregnant one here. Not you"

This surprisingly earns a laugh from the tanned women beside me.  God how I missed that sound all these months.

"And we agreed that the baby was going to be mine regardless and that we're starting fresh. And who cares if she looks nothing like me. She's still going to be mine"

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