The Joys of Mondays

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Alison's POV

If there's one thing I hate more then school, it's Mondays. Usually I wouldn't care as much, but after Emily and I started to get closer then ever I would rather just not be here.

I told her I would change my ways, but the thing is I'm not sure if i can do that anymore. As much as I'd like to, it's just way too difficult for me especially with the mixed signals she keeps sending me.

I know it shouldn't be this difficult since Emily and I actually hung out and did couple-related things besides sex after my parents showed up unexpectedly on Friday night.

Although right now it's not so easy. I can hear my girlfriend's friends trying to talk her out of spending time with me from the next cafeteria table over. But the worst part is the fact that Emily still hasn't told them about us, or should I say more like anyone at all. Well except that Paige, but it was only because I told her off.

Emily just treats me as if I was her friend, not even! It's more like I'm just a school partner at the most. I thought she wanted me to be open about us? Maybe I was wrong? Either way I should find out soon before I fall deeper in love with that bronze goodness of a girlfriend of mine.

I was about to go talk to her and see what the hell her problem was, when I overheard a few guys talking about my girl.

"So it's agreed first one to tap the hot new girl gets the bet money?" I overheard one guy say. Okay now that really pissed me off. Is that how guys here saw women? Let alone my Emily?

I couldn't just stand there and let them talk about her like that. I knew I had to do something about it. So I decided to walk over a few steps away to where they were at.

"Which one of you fuckers was the one that said that about my girl!?" I say loudly not realizing that all eyes were on me.

"Alison? Shit my bad. We didn't mean to" Noel said looking over to his three other friends.

"Yeah you fucking better not have! From now on you better keep my girl and her friends out of your pig ass mouths if you know what's best for you!" I growl back pulling down on his shirt so he's at eye level with me.

"Who's your girl anyways?" Ben adds in as a clueless facial expression appears on his face. I swear this guy is dumber then a sack at bricks sometimes.

"Emily Fields" I say through gritted teeth.

"Niiiicce" the guys reply. Well except for Ben he just gives me a blank look.

"Ohh. So you're like her new friend?" Ben finally asks. Is he joking with me or is he really that slow?

"No you genius! She's my girlfriend! Now stay away and keep her name out of your fucking mouths. You got it!?" I reply back angrily only earning nods from all four guys.

Feeling satisfied that I got my territory marked, I decide to walk over to where Emily is at and find out what her deal is.

"Emily can I have a word with you?" I say as I grab her wrist and pull her with me inside the building, not even waiting for her to answer me. But I must admit, the look I got from the girls she was with was completely priceless.

"Ali where are you taking me? Ali.. Alison!" Emily asks as we walk through the hallway.

I didn't even bother to answer her. I just kept dragging her until we reached the girls bathroom.

"Get out" I said loudly to the few girls that were in there fixing their make up. The girls didn't say anything, instead they just rushed out of there as if their lives depended on it.

"Geez Ali. Why you gotta be so mean?" Em finally says as I lock the door once we're all alone in the bathroom.

"Me? You think that's being mean?what about you huh?" I ask annoyed.

"What did I do this time?"

"Oh don't play innocent with me Em. Remember how you were giving me shit about not treating you as my girlfriend in public this weekend? And you're over here not even bothering to mention me to your friends" I answer back feeling hurt.


"Yeah that's right Em. This works both ways. How do you think I feel when I'm over here defending you from some fucking perverted guys and you don't even have the courtesy to let the only friends you have here that we're together"

"I had no idea"

"Yeah sure you didn't" I say sarcastically.

"Really I didn't. What can I do to make it up to you babe?"

"Hmm I have a few ideas" I reply back seductively.

"Oh and what may those be?" She asks with a smirk.

"I'm not sure you tell me" I smirk.

"How about I show you?"

Yeah I don't know. I'm really starting to loose focus on my stories. A lot of things are coming up and I'm finding it difficult to find the time if like to write.
So I'll probably update a few times a week instead of my usual everyday posts.
But when I do there will be a lot of twists, angst and a lil smut.. Along with jealous and possessive Emison, because I mean what's hotter then that? Hahaha
Anyways let me know what you guys think about me continuing to write this story or not. Or what you guys want to see more of, if possible. I already know where I want to take this side project of mine, I'm just curious as to what my amazing readers want to read.

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