Chapter 46

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AN: Here are the promise chapter for December. God, my December hasn't been alright. It was awful. Maybe I would post the other two later or tomorrow.

I didn't manage to level up my servants in fgo and only get 18 boxes in the lotto event. Hopefully, this new year I would get Yang Gufei.

I would roll for her. She is too cute to pass up. Then after that, I would restrain myself from rolling on other servants since I promise myself that I would get Castoria. It is my new year's resolution.

I want to get the Dioscuri and the Grand Lancer himself... I hope that I would get all of the argonauts and Chiron himself someday... But I gotta save for the meta.

Time for me to just earn saint quarts and tickets and not use them.

Anyway, I spoiled myself in JP. The Tunguska event is fine.....


More Arcade!!

Why? Why must you do this to us?! Seriously, since the release of FGO Babylonia Anime, I am hoping that Mommy Tiamat will become a playable character.

Fuck.... They even dare to announce it to the live stream. I'm salty even though I don't have a JP Mobile Account.

Anyway, I am inhaling a lot of amount of Hopium since they dare to release the Mommy Tiamat Lily version on the arcade. Someday, mobile players would be able to get a Grown-up Mommy version of Tiamat... Someday.

But after a few days, my hope was eradicated. Just like the Kama, Tiamat Lily grows up to become mommy Tiamat.

And not just that, the one that I thought was just a grown-up version of Nemo was in fact.....


Then they dare to release mother harlot on the arcade as a boss.

I've been inhaling a lot of Copium these days because of it.

Chapter 46: A person who likes ducks

On the first week of October, Asner would have another opportunity to meet the starry-eyed child again. It's been a few days since he took a peek at what was been happening to the clones. Oscar has successfully enrolled the Deer College and was now a registered citizen of the 3 Portlands. Meanwhile, he doesn't decide to take a peek at Alastor and Salazar's mission but he was certain that it was still ongoing. On the other hand, Xie Loan decides to return to his own business of being involved with the Marshall, Carter & Dark. Other than being involved with the MCD, Xie Loan has been also involved with that branch of the GOC.

Sighing, he hoped that they would be fine. Together with Doctor MacWarren, his father, and Dr. Edison they made their way to the room of the Starry-eyed child.

Meeting the starry-eyed child before for Asner was alright. It could have gotten better if Dr. Bright at that time wasn't with them. Being under the presence of Dr. Bright was nerve-wracking. He would never get to know what would be the next actions of the chaotic doctor himself. But Asner was very thankful that Dr. Bright only most spent of his time on the sidelines and relieved his boredom by annoying Dr. MacWarren.

Now, that they would visit the starry-eyed child again, Asner hoped that he would have a more relaxing conversation with the starry-eyed child Stella.

When the door opened to the room, Asner expected to meet the handler and the starry-eyed child inside the room. It exactly went like that. But there was another surprise. Instead of that mean-looking researcher from before, the current researcher who was in Stella's room was different.

The researcher who was currently playing with the dollhouse and animal stuff toys look surprised for a moment before he calm himself.

" Is it time already? I apologize Scp-134 but it seems that your playmate is here. Let's play again when I have some free time. "

The researcher looks and sounds that he meant it. The words that he meant were really sincere. The way he talks and spoke in a soft and calming manner- For Asner, this was instantly a sign for the identity of the researcher. Most of all of the researchers here in the foundation were professional, cold, and detached. Those special kinds are either quirky or insane (like Doctor Bright).

Staring at the Doctor, he looks very normal with nothing unusual on him. Asner concluded the identity of the doctor in his mind. A slight smile formed on his face without realizing it.

Stella nodded at what the doctor told her even she look reluctant to have her playtime with the researcher ending.

" Let's play... again. Another time... Doctor Glass. "

She tried her best to answer in a language that she wasn't very proficient in and is still in the process of learning.

Dr. Glass arranged the dollhouse and the stuffed toys neatly before standing up from the floor and patting his lab coat. He picked up his clipboard and the pen before walking towards them.

" It's nice to meet you again, Dr. MacWarren and Dr. Edison. "

Unlike the hostile and annoyed response that Dr. MacWarren have with Dr. Bright, Dr. MacWarren replied cordially.

" It's a pleasure to meet you again Dr. Glass, I hope that your work is doing fine. "

" It's tough. But I am managing. "

Dr. Glass give a tired sigh and smiled wryly. Dr. Edison then give him a pat on his back and asked Dr. Glass.

" So, how was the advice book that I recommend, Dr. Glass? "

" It didn't work. "

" Really? Shame. That it didn't work. You got a tough case on your plate, Dr. Glass. "

After a while of chatting with each other and Asner and Ansell gazing at them with the latter feeling uncomfortable, Dr. Glass finally turned his attention to them.

" Ah, I apologize for my rudeness. I'm sorry for not greeting you earlier, It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Graves. I'm Dr. Simon Glass. You can just call me Dr. Glass. I know that it wasn't a pleasure to meet you with your circumstances but I still counted it as a positive to be meeting new colleagues. "

Dr. Glass stretched his hand while feeling awkward with every second that passed. After a while, of expecting his handshake wouldn't return, he decided to retract his hand to avoid the awkwardness. But before he can do that, he was surprised for Mr. Graves to return the handshake. A smile was etched on his face when Mr. Ansell Graves replied.

" Likewise.. "

After the handshaking, Dr. Glass leans a little to meet Asner directly in the eye.

" You must be Asner, right? Stella has told me that you have been a good playmate with her. Thank you and it was nice to meet you. "

After a while, they watched Dr. Glass leave the room. Asner couldn't help but stare a little bit longer as he watched the back of the doctor before the door close automatically.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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