Hate or Love? Pt 10

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Heyooo~! Sorry its been a stressful time TvT My fam was gonna go on vacay bu then our flight got canceled, and yeah. Fun times lol.Anyways sorry if this part sucks because imw riting this happy asleep, enjoy~!

As Atsumu was brutally thrown into the boiler room, he started to shed tears again. Thinking to himself, "do I even belong here?" Why amI here?" Is there a purpose for me..?" "Maybe I should just leave...forever.." unconsciously he started biting his lips, and scratching is arms when he felt stressed.

It's been three hours... till he heard the door open..

Atsumu's Dad: Learned your lesson?

Atsumu: Y-yes..

Atsumu's Dad: Here!

As Atsumu's dad throws a mold piece of bread at him. Atsumu feels like gaging just from the look of it, but sucks it up and eats it . Knowing it will be the last amount he gets for awhile...

Timeskip~! 8 years

The twins had just turned 18, and were about to present. They both were right next to each other as the doctor announced

Doctor: Congrats! Osamu Miya is a dominate Alpha!

Mrs Miya: How wonderful! What about Atsumu though?

Doctor:Oh..well he is a omega..and a subcordinate

The doctor could see the rage in Atsumu's father's eyes as he ushered them out saying they had more tests to run.

Atsumu: Samu'..what should I do..? It isn't normal for men to be subs, and omegas

He said this as he choked out a sob

Osamu: Don't worry Tsumu'..Everything ill be alright

As they said this, they took tight hug together. Until they heard the doctor say. Osamu Miya, you're free to go with your parents. Atsumu Miya, stay here we have something to do still..

Osamu refused, but Atsumu ushered his brother out, and told him to before he leaves..

Atsumu: Don't worry Samu'! We'll meet again!

Osamu smile then heads out, as he does that the doctor sighed, took his glasses off and revead the sad truth to Atsumu. 

Doctor: I'm sure you know by now being a omega, and sub is very interesting for a male. Your parents know that to...uhm...so.. 

Atsumu: What'd they do..?

Doctor: They gave you up...to a pet shelter

Atsumu bit his lip to stop his cyring while the doctor rubbed his back and introduced him to the pet shop owner..

Time skip~! 4 years

Atsumu was treated shitty at the shelter, like his dad the pet shop owner was mean and brutal towards him..Until Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Sakusa came..

I ain't recapping for y'all so pretend he told them everything Sakusa, Iwaizumi, and Oikawa did to him at this point

Atsumu: Yeah, that's about it

When he finished his story, he heard the door creak open..and there was..

Alright wait for the next part XD cya lovlies~!

Hate or Love? SakuatsuiwaoiМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя