Hate or Love? Pt 30

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30 parts..yeyyy TvT. Tbh I only planned 15 parts... where did it all go wrong? Sad thing is I'm barely half way :( welp let's get started also this one is dedicated to a very nice 3rd grader I met, even tho she's to young to read this luv ya boo. (Even tho we met like 3 days ago 🤪😢)

Atsumu: Alright..what can I do-

The bathroom Atsumu was placed in was small. Just a small shower, a sink, and toilet. As he looked around his surroundings he saw a window, and a vent. Looking outside of the window he saw he was pretty high up. So that was a no go, the vent was out of his reach, but with a little help he could get up~!

Atsumu: Alright, just get in the sink and swing open the vent. Easy as pie! I think...

Hesitately he climbed up on the sink, trying not to lose his balance. He took a leap of faith just perfectly latching on to the vent to swing it open. Though with that he got body slammed into the shower.

Atsumu: Ouch..

Oikawa: Hey you okay in there?

Atsumu: Y-Yeah!

Oikawa: I'm coming in!

Atsumu: Er- no I'm naked!

Oikawa: I mean..

Atsumu: NO

Oikawa: Alright Alright, just hurry up.

Atsumu: Okay

Atsumu knew he had to hurry up, he climbed back on to the sink, and pulled himself up on the vents.

Atsumu: Damn even the vents are clean. How germohobic can this man be.

Stumbling through the vents he realized that they can't really hold his weight. He knows he need to get out quickly before he creates a even bigger mess. Scurrying  through the vents he hears Sakusa's voice.

Atsumu: Wonder what's going on?

Just as he leans in to hear more the vents start collapsing, and he falls.

Sakusa: What the-

Atsumu: That hurt like hell..

The end :) I'm too tired hehe

Hate or Love? SakuatsuiwaoiWhere stories live. Discover now