Hate or Love? Pt 65

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Sorry if this is rushed I'm writing this in my study break <3

Timeskip: 1 Week

Atsumu: Babies crying again...I'll get it.

Kita: Shall I help Atsumu?

Atsumu: No, it's fine it's my responsibility. Thank you though.

Kita: Alright, I'll help you next time.

Atsumu: Alright...

Kaori & Kaito: WAHHH AHHH

Atsumu: Shh it's alright.. don't wake up your siblings..

Atsumu soothingly rubs their backs until Kaito falls asleep, but Kaori is still up.

Atsumu: Shh baby it's alright..


Atsumu: Mmm let's go on a walk sugar..

Atsumu puts on some running shoes and walks to his favorite place. It's not too far, only about a mile and the weather is beautiful. The whole time they were outside Kaori didn't make a sound. She quietly climbed on Atsumu's shirt and drifted off to the night sky.

Atsumu: Kaori?

"Guess she fell asleep" Atsumu thinks.

Atsumu: So beautiful..

Iwaizumi: I'll agree with you in that.

Atsumu: Gah-!

Iwaizumi: Sh, you'll wake up the child.

Atsumu: Yeah I guess. What are you doing here?

Iwaizumi: Just trying to cool off, and you?

Atsumu: She couldn't sleep, so I took her on a walk.

Iwaizumi: She yours?

Atsumu: U-Uh! No she's Kita's kid!

Iwaizumi: Oh alright. How old is she?

Atsumu: 2 weeks.

Iwaizumi: Alright. Well nice talk, I'll be going home now. Cya.

Atsumu: Goodbye.

Timeskip: Iwaizumi gets home.

Iwaizumi: Kawa, Kiyo!

Oikawa: It's too early..

Sakusa: I'd have to agree.

Iwaizumi: When did you see Atsumu at the hospital?

Sakusa: Like two weeks ago, apparently Suna gave birth.

Iwaizumi: That doesn't add up..

Oikawa: What doesn't add up?

Iwaizumi: I just saw Atsumu and he was holding a kid claiming to be Kita's and said she was 2 weeks old.

Oikawa: Alright, if he's lying whose
Kids could it be?

Iwaizumi: Ours.

Night guys <3

Hate or Love? SakuatsuiwaoiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang