Hate or Love? Pt 61

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Nothing to say lol just no hate abt who Atsumu ends up staying with

Osamu: So that's what happened Huh?

Atsumu: Yep..

Osamu: Well are you gonna tell them?

Atsumu: Samu.. it's just I don't want to drag them into my mess..

Osamu: It's their kids to, not just yours Tsumu'

Atsumu: I know, but I'd be ruining their lives..I jus can't do the Samu.

Osamu: Do you really believe that?

Atsumu: Y-Yeah.

Osamu: Alright. So you'll stay here then?

Atsumu: I think I'll leave soon..

Osamu: What?! Why?!

Atsumu: I'm not going to become a burden.

Osamu: You're not a burden-!

Atsumu: I'll just give a job and move out okay? Trust me Samu' I know what I'm doing..

Osamu: No, you're staying in this house and not moving out that's final.

Atsumu: We'll see..thanks also.

Osamu: Yeah Yeah, anyways let's go tell Rin and Iita the news.

Atsumu: Mmm you tell them I don't wanna get upp

Osamu: Get up or I'll hit you-


Osamu: Get yo lazy ass up.

Atsumu: Always so rude.

Osamu: Yessir

Atsumu chuckled as he followed behind his brother to tell Suna and Kita the great news.

Suna: Your pregnant? Before me? We need to hurry up Samu'

Osamu blushed a bright shade of red while Kita just laughed.

Kita: Alrighty then I'd love to have kids around.

Atsumu: Please don't turn them into clean freaks-

Kita: I'll do my best.

Osamu: You're already thinking you'll have more than one kid?

Atsumu: Just assuming, but I'd like to have a few..

Osamu: A few? You can't even take care of yourself- I won't be able deal with more mini you's.

They all laughed, except Osamu. He looked like he was serious.

Suna: Well it's going to be a interesting next few months...

So the question is how many kids..and what will their names be.. personally I'm thinking 4 kids :))

Hate or Love? SakuatsuiwaoiWhere stories live. Discover now