Hate or Love? Pt 57

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[Feel free to ignore this] GUYS- OKAY I NEED ADVICE. NOW THIS MAY SOUND PETTY AS HELL BUT ITS OKAY. Anyways to give you a little background there's this girl whose like tryna become my friend's bestie but lets just say I don't know if she ever will lmao. Anyways on the other hand there this other girl, she's tryna join my friend group and it ain't working out. But like there's a good reason for that, that reason is she's psycho, like actually psycho I can't make this shit up. How do I know? Well there's this boy she liked, he had a girlfriend. The other girl was telling everyone that she was gonna cut him up, burn him, and feed him to wolves or some shit- okay but like here's the real problem. So it was recently Easter Sunday and Miss Physcho GURLY invited my friend's wannabe bff and they kept posting abt it knowing that like all of our friends have insta and the rest weren't invited. Now yes I get that they're allowed to post whatever they want, but what's really messed up was that they let sending pictures of themselves to my best friend and she told me she was annoyed but she kinda sounded sad at the same time yk. Anyways here is where it may get petty, would it be rude to go to the mall with me bestie and another girl that we are close to and send her a bunch of pictures. It prolly would be but like they kinda crossed the line and made my bestie sad so I feel like I should do the same- anyways what do y'all think? Let's start anyways :D

Oikawa: Iwa, is he still sleeping?

Iwaizumi: Yeah he's wiped haha..

Oikawa: I thought I was the only one depressed about Tsumu' leaving haha..

Iwaizumi: He deserves to be free Kawa. It's not right..

Oikawa: Mmm I guess your right.

They both snuggled close together, Iwaizumi peppering soft kisses down Oikawa's neck.

Sakusa: Wow y'all are having more sex without telling me~ I'm hurt lovies :((

Iwaizumi: Come here you big baby.

Sakusa rested his head in the crook of Iwaizumi's neck while Iwaizumi starting nibbling at his ear.

Sakusa: Iwaaa don't do that!

Iwaizumi: You taste good babe, but what did Osamu say?

Sakusa: He didn't let me talk, he just screamed something about it I don't give him his brother back he'll personally come and kick my ass.

Oikawa: Awh how cute.

Sakusa: It was kinda funny seeing him mad..-

Iwaizumi: We'll then we should get a move on shall we?

Sakusa: Yeah, let's change him though. No offense Iwa but you shut smells NasTy-

Iwaizumi: Then forget about my cuddles.

Sakusa: WAIY-! IM SORRY!

As Sakusa was apologizing to Iwaizumi Oikawa took on the task of changing him.

Oikawa: Mmm sweetie I'll change you..

Atsumu: Just let me sleep Kawa...

Oikawa: Arms up!

Oikawa took off the old nasty shirt and dressed Atsumu in a white blouse with a plaid sweater vest on top. Not without snagging a few kisses though/

Atsumu: mmmMmm-! K-Kawa stop!

Oikawa: Chill, your done lovely, ready to go?

Atsumu: Go where?

Oikawa: A surprise! I'm sure you'll like it...

Oikawa's voice trained off at in the end so atsumu couldn't make out the last few words, but he didn't care. Little did he know though...

Hate or Love? SakuatsuiwaoiWhere stories live. Discover now