Hate or Love? Pt 64

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My stomach hurts help:((

Just as Osamu steps out of the recovery room he sees the nervous faces of Suna and Kita.

Osamu: What's wrong?

Kita: The Sakusas. They called an need to discuss our new business proposal. They said they will be here in 2 days.

Osamu: Oh god. What'll we do? Atsumu definitely doesn't want to see them.

Suna: Yeah, and I don't think they should know about the babies right now..

Osamu: Ask if I can head there Kita.

Kita: Alright...they said they'd check no promises.

Osamu: Alright, anyways let's go see some babies shall we?

The three men trotted down to see their adorable new nephews.

Kita: The two girls, Kaori and Kori are in the right. The two boys, Kaito and Kai are on the left.

Suna: They're adorable...

Osamu: Yeah, Yeah we'll get one to.

Suna: YAYY!

Kita: We will be able to take them home shortly after Atsumu wakes up.

Osamu: Alright let's go prepare the van. Do we have baby carriers?

Kita: Yeah in the car I'll grab them.

Suna: Sweetie there's a restaurant near by, I'll grab some food for us okay?

Osamu: Alright, stay safe honey!

Suna: Bye lovely <3

As both of his friends left Osamu sighed in relief.

Osamu: 4 kids..geez

Sakusa: Kids?

Osamu slowly turned his head around to see the one and only Sakusa Kiyoomi.

Osamu: Sakusa?!

Sakusa: That's my name, those kids yours?

Osamu: Uh- Yeah-!

Sakusa: Congrats, should've told us man.

Osamu: Yeah haha we were in just tryna keep it private..

Sakusa: You do you man, so is this why you wanted to reschedule?

Osamu: Yes-!

Sakusa: Alright, you can tell us the reason next time bro. So you'll come over tomorrow?

Osamu: Yeah.

Sakusa: Cool, and uh before I leave Um how's Atsumu?

Osamu: He's fine thanks for asking. I'll be leaving now cya.

Sakusa: Cya.

Oikawa: What was that about?

Sakusa: Apparently they had kids?

Oikawa: No fairrr I want kids >:((

Sakusa: Geez, let's go home..

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