Hate or Love? Pt 48

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As the two boys continued to mess with their boyfriends they suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Kuroo: Oya Oya Oya? See you're having fun aren't ya?

Bokuto: Awh adorable

Akaashi: Y'all just ruined a perfectly good moment.

Kenma: Damnit the pic came out blurry.

Sakusa quickly pushed Atsumu off home and greeted the guests.

Sakusa: U-Uh Hello! Didn't realize you were visiting today!

Kuroo: Yeah we were gonna talk about that new building you wanted to open-

Sakusa: Right! Uhm please follow me.

Kuroo, Bokuto, Oikawa and Iwaizumi followed Sakusa to a meeting room, while the rest stayed in the theater.

Atsumu: Ken-Ken! Kaashi!

Kenma: Sumu' your looking as great as ever

Atsumu: Hmm thanks Ken Ken!

Akaashi: I see they've changed their ways..good.

Kenma: Akaashi was gonna beat the shit out of them if they didn't-

Akaashi: Shh..you're revealing too much sweetie.

Kenma: Sorry babe

They both shared a quick kiss before turning their attention to Atsumu.

Kenma: Sooo what shall we do?

Atsumu: We'll there is a movie going on so..

Akaashi: Oooh

[Few Hours Later]

Sakusa: Thanks for your time.

Bokuto: No problem, let us know if you need any help.

Sakusa: Will do, would you like to regroup with your omegas now?

Bokuto: Sounds good.

Sakusa: Alright follow me.

They entered the theatre to see three adorable faces all cuddled up together.

Kuroo: This has got to be the cutest thing I've seen in my life.

Bokuto: Picture taken.

Oikawa: Atsumu is so cute🥺🥺

Bokuto and Kuroo slowly pick up their omegas and head out to door. Sakusa gently shakes Atsumu awake.

Atsumu: 5 more minutes please...

Sakusa: Alright, Alright...

Oikawa: Atsu you're adorable yk-

Iwaizumi: No arguing with that.

Atsumu: Just let me sleep please..I'm so tired for today.

Sakusa: Soon baby..soon maybe.

Hate or Love? SakuatsuiwaoiWhere stories live. Discover now