Hate or Love? Pt 60

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My dog ate my contacts :) my 400$ contacts help-  (he's okay btw :))

It was all quiet in Osamu's house. Atsumu had so many thoughts clouding his mind, but he felt he couldn't say anything.

Kita: Atsumu?

Atsumu: AH! O-Oh geez Kita- Kun you scared me!

Kita: My apologies, are you okay?

Atsumu: Alright I guess.

Kita: Sorry if this is rude, but did you recently go into heat?

Atsumu blushed red at the statement, but answered honestly.

Atsumu: Y-Yeah..l

Kita: Are you pregnant?

Atsumu stared blankly at the older male wondering what the hell he's thinking.

Atsumu: No, I'm not pregnant? The hell you talking about Kita?!

Kita: Sorry, sorry my apologies I just used to work in a hospital and most people when pregnant had the scent of their alphas. My mistake.

Atsumu: You're saying I don't smell like me? That's absurd. Why are you even smelling me?

Kita: It's just when you first came you had such a fresh lemon smell, now it kinda smells like lavender.

Atsumu: Whatever you absurd, I'm going to sleep.

Kita: Alright, call me if needed.

As soon as Kita left Atsumu started thinking. Am I really pregnant? He needed to check. He went digging through his bathroom closet and found a pregnancy test. After using it he nervously checked it and Shockley saw...positive.

Atsumu: Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. What am I going to do?!

Atsumu's whole body was shaking. What was he going to do. He had no one to help him, he felt if he told anyone they're just hate him. As he say there tears fell down his face, he didn't realize that someone had opened the door.

Osamu: Tsumu'..?

Atsumu: S-Samu..

Osamu: Hey, what's wrong?

Atsumu: E-Everything..!

Osamu: Tell me?

Just seeing Osamu Atsumu knew, he did have someone. He let out a painful smile and explained everything..

Hate or Love? SakuatsuiwaoiWhere stories live. Discover now