Hate or Love? Pt 17

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Back to Oikawa now lol

As tears stream down his face Oikawa runs into the first room he sees and locks it. Right next to him though is Atsumu and Kita who heard what happened.

Atsumu: Poor Oikawa-San..

Kita: That's how love works, there are ups and downs.

Atsumu: Hey Kita-San..D-do you have a love?

Kita: Not currently why

Atsumu: Well Uhm-

They were interrupted by hearing the soft sobs of Oikawa

Atsumu: Kita-San..I wanna comfort him

Kita: How do you plan to?

Atsumu looked around and saw a maid's and some hair products

Atsumu: K-Kita-San I know this sounds odd, but help me out a maid dress on!

Kita: Uhm- are you sure that's the best approach-?

Atsumu: Nope! But I'm going to try

With a little help Atsumu got on the dress, and Kita was able to hide his yellow hair with the hair products they found. Now though he still sorta look like himself, he was well enough disguised.

Atsumu: H-how do I look?

Kita: Absolutely gorgeous

Atsumu turned red at his comment while Kita grabbed him but the waist and said

Kita: Be careful

Atsumu: O-of course!

And with that he was off!

He opened the door to see Oikawa a sobbing mess at this point, and carefully approached him

Atsumu: Hello?

Oikawa: H-huh? Oh im sorry do you need this room?

Atsumu: No no! I just heard someone here and wanted to talk

Oikawa: Find someone else then

Atsumu: Well to bad~! I'm here so deal with it.

Oikawa: Whatever

Atsumu: So are those people your masters?

Oikawa: Nope, just assholes

Atsumu: Haha...that's how I felt about my masters to

Oikawa: Whatcha do?

Atsumu: I ran away

Oikawa: Haha...but I can't do that...they are my life. My reason to live. I'd be nothing without them.

Atsumu: You never know till ya give it a try

Oikawa: No offense, but I'd rather not be a runaway wearing a maid outfit right now..

Atsumu: Heyyyy I like the outfit I look smexy~!

Oikawa: Sure you do

Him and Atsumu stayed there talking for awhile, and eventually fell asleep...


With Oikawa and Iwaizumi


Iwaizumi: You were being to harsh Kiyo

Sakusa: He needed to hear it

Iwaizumi: You've changed..and not in a good way

Sakusa: Wha-

Iwaizumi: Kiyo..maybe it's for the best if we take some time apart

Sakusa: Iwa?! You can't be serious!? Please..

Iwaizumi: I'll take Oikawa home, you can leave

Sakusa bit his lip, but still went on the request of his boyfriend

Im hungry....anyone else hungry? lol okay bye <3

Hate or Love? SakuatsuiwaoiWhere stories live. Discover now