Hate or Love? Pt 59

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Y'all Istg- okay how to look like a 5th grader? Okay okay let me explain. My friend invited to this like elementary school carnival for some random ass reason- and let me just says it's been like definitely a couple of years since I've been in primary school- and I don't wanna stand out lmao so ig I gotta find a 5th grade outfit lmao. Idk what I'm doing with my guys help-

Suna: Samu he's waking up..


Atsumu: Mmm 5 minutes Omi...

Osamu: Does he really think I'm like that Kiyoomi bastard-

Suna let out a small chuckle, but quickly shut up after receiving a death stare from Osamu.

Kita: Atsumu wake up...

Atsumu: Wha- where am I... ugh feels like a brick just hit me..

Osamu: Well not exactly a brick but close enough.

Atsumu: Wait- Where's Omi?! And Kawa and Iwa!!?

Osamu: You have nicknames for them-.


Osamu: Well they left awhile ago...

Atsumu: I-I want to go back!! I have to go back...

Osamu: H-Hey Tsumu it's fine okay?

Atsumu: N-No! It's not!

Osamu: Atsumu relax..just rest for now we'll talk later.

Atsumu: Not later, now!!

Osamu: Knock it off.

Atsumu tensed up as his brother's strict tone.

Atsumu: Alright...

Suna and Kita looked at Osamu confused, but he motioned them outside.

Suna: There was no need to be so rude Samu.

Kita: I'd have to agree Osamu.

Osamu: I'll say I was being harsh but he's a bit hysterical now, leave him alone for a bit alright? Kita keep a eye on him.

Kita: Alright, I'll be taking my leave now.

As soon as he left Osamu sighed.

Osamu: S-Suna... am I d-doing something wrong...?

Soft tears dripped from Osamu's face and his lover couldn't bear to see him look like that.

Suna: Shhh Samu...no worries. Everything I'll be fine...

Night lovlies <3

Hate or Love? SakuatsuiwaoiWhere stories live. Discover now