Hate or Love? Pt 18

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Nothing to say today lol

As Sakusa was storming out of the house it was that every minute Osamu decided to come in~!

Osamu: Here is-Bad time okay

Then he exited back into the kitchen

Iwaizumi: Time to find Oikawa

While walking upstairs he ran into Kita

Kita: Hello. Who may you be and what's your business coming upstairs?

Iwaizumi: Greetings, my love is up there I just need to grab him. Know where he is?

Kita: First room on your left

Iwaizumi: Thank you

As Iwaizumi stepped into the room he was suprised to see another man there. He carefully picked up Oikawa to reveal the man's face. He thought "looks so familiar"
As he went in to take a closer look Kita was right behind him giving him a death glare.

Kita: Don't.Touch.Him

Iwaizumi: He looks familiar I just wanted to see if I knew-

Kita: Leave. Now

Iwaizumi: A-Alright

He bride style picked up Oikawa and left their mansion.

Kita: Atsumu are you alright?

Atsumu: ~yawn~ Just tired

Kita: Haha

Atsumu: Help me take this off Kita-San?

Kita: I think you look rather good in it

Atsumu: Wha- uhm thank I mean wow I uhm

Kita: Atsumu are you malfunctioning or something?

Atsumu: N-No! Hehe I'll take it off

Kita: Alright

With that he started to unlace the back of his dress, and slowly started tugging at it. Before you knew it, the dress was off.

Atsumu: Thanks Kita-San I can-

Kita: Do you need help to put on your other clothes?

Atsumu: N-No thank you!

Kita: Alright I left a fresh pair of clothes for you on the bed

With that he exited the room with the maid dress

Atsumu: God he's perfect

He then saw what Kita left out for him and once again went red. He left out a sweatshirt- just a sweatshirt. It barely covered his waist much less did it cover anything bellow.

Atsumu: KITA

Kita: Hehe

Suna: What happened?

Osamu: Even I don't know-

Taking a deep breath in Atsumu walks down the stairs, pulling his sweatshirt down while he does.

Atsumu: Samu' I'm going to murder your helper

Osamu trying to hold in a laugh throws him a jacket, then proceeds to laugh crazily.

Atsumu: Shut up!


Suna: Come on Atsumu, let's get you done real clothes

Atsumu: Hmph!

Scene, hold your applause🥖👏 but fr I'm tried gn <3

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