Hate or Love? Pt 37

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Hello lovlies~! We have officially reached 5k reads yay! I have a long weekend coming idk why tho XD sooo double parts coming per day in a few days! Anyways   

@fakepaintloved the name Haru, I'm gonna make that his nickname full name is Kojiro Haruki <3 Let's goo


Text Messages Between Haru And Atsumu


Atsumu: Haru-chan!

Haru: Haruki is fine. What do you need, I'm in the middle of something?

Atsumu: Haru Im boredddd :CCC

Haru: Atsumu. This is why you disturb me?! I'm actually trying to do work so stop bothering me.

Atsumu: Sorry. I was just wondering if we can go out later?

Haru: No. I have plans with a girl

Atsumu: A girl? Who?

Haru: Stop being jealous and shut up.

Haru is offline

Atsumu: I just wanted to know the girl..


Atsumu got off his phone and decided to study for the make-up exams he'd have to take tomorrow at the library.

Atsumu: Samu' I'm heading out.

 Osamu: Hngg- Y-Yeah sounds good...Suna don't leave too many marks!

Suna: Bye Tsumu'~!

Atsumu: Bye guys~! Suna make sure my brother can walk tomorrow!

Suna: Maybe..Hngg-

Atsumu left the room and quickly hurried out the door before his parents could say anything. He took his time walking to the library. He loved staring at the scenery, all the beautiful Autumn leaves was a sight to see. When he reached the library he saw Haru...with a girl. He kissed her on the lips and they parted ways. Atsumu looked, then walked the other way..It wasn't the first time he did this. He's cheated on Atsumu six different times thinking Atsumu doesn't know. Atsumu makes his way to a secluded park, and cries quietly. Until a woman approaches him and sits down beside him. She was his age, but didn't go to his school.

???: Hello..!

Atsumu: Hello..?

???: Hope I'm not interrupting! It's just that I'm a tad lonely, and wanted some company?

 Atsumu: You're fine..I'm Atsumu..you?

Kaori: I'm Kaori!

Atsumu: Nice to meet you.

Kaori: You too! May I ask why you're so down?

Atsumu: My boyfriend...he cheated on me again.

Kaori: Again?! How many times has he done this before?!

Atsumu: Erm..six?

Kaori: Where is he.

Atsumu: Why do ya need to kno-

Kaori: Just show me.

Atsumu: Okay..

With that Atsumu led Kaori to his boyfriend who was casually walking like he hadn't just cheated.


 Atsumu: K-Kaori!


Haru: How dare you..

Atsumu: H-Haru wait-

Haru raised his hand to hit her, but Atsumu came in the way and took it.

Kaori: Atsumu! 

Haru: Don't think I'm done with you..

Sakusa: I think you are.

Haru looked behind him to see Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Sakusa.

Iwaizumi: Let's have a talk over here.

Haru: U-Uh...

With that he sprinted the other way while Iwaizumi started to run after him. Oikawa stopped him though.

Oikawa: Don't, He's not worth another lawsuit.

Sakusa: Kaori, you okay?

Kaori: Yep..but he's unconscious. 

Oikawa: Hmm...wonder where he lives.

Iwaizumi shuffles through his pocket, and finds his twin's phone number.

Iwaizumi: Let's call this dude.

Oikawa: Okay...it's ringing.

The phone is picked up, but by Suna.

Suna: Ello' whatcha need Tsumu'?

Iwaizumi: Hello, I'm not your friend, but we found him on the ground. He was knocked unconscious by his boyfriend from what I understand.

Suna: That bastard..I'm coming to pick him up, please share his location.

Iwaizumi: Alright..Osamu? Did I say that right?

Suna: Oh haha! I'm not Osamu, his boyfriend. Let's just say he erm was knocked out too-

Iwaizumi: Alright- Anyways we'll be waiting! Cya soon!

Suna: Cya

The end! <3 Night lovlies~!

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