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D:hey Wille...


He came in...closing the door behind him...

D:how are you?

W:I-I'm good..

I looked down...Dad never comes to my room for good reason...I'm afraid that something bad is about to happen...

Suddenly I felt two strong arms around me...not hurting me...but...hugging me...

D:I can see that something Is going on...tell me what's wrong...and we will try to fix it...I promise...

W:it's nothing...

My voice ...I felt like I couldn't talk...like I have something in my throat that doesn't let the words to come out of my mouth...

D:please tell me...I care about you...

W:only because of the crown...

D:what?! Occ not! I care about you because you're my son and I love you!

W:no one loves me...

D:wille what's wrong? Tell me please...I need to know...

W:I left him alone because of her! He's in pain because of me! Because she didn't let me fall in love! Because I'm not the king she wants me to be! Because I'm making mistakes! Because I'm not Erik!

More tears left my eyes...I was falling apart...he hugged me...

W:why can't I be with him dad?...we didn't do anything wrong...we just fall in love....I need him by my side....

D:shhh...calm down...

W:he hates me...

D:no..he doesn't...

W:I'm the worst...I should be the one up there...not Erik...

D:stop! You're perfect-

W:if I was perfect she would love me! She wouldn't be treating me like shit! She would be here...by my side...if I was perfect...I would still have him...

D:I don't care if you're gay...I will love you either way...because you're my son...you're wille! And I love you! I understand that things are complicated and I'm really sorry for not being by you're side...

W:it's okey...I understand...and...I love you da-father...sorry...

I looked down...I'm not allowed to use short forms or nicknames...I'm the prince...

D:sorry?! For what?!

W:I-I'm not allowed to use short forms


W:because I'm a royal...and as mother says "a royal should never talk like a normal person, instead they have to talk gently and politely"

D:don't listen to her...you're a normal person..

I hugged him...

W:thank you..

D:your welcome..

He smiled...

D:will I get to meet him?



W:he...we broke up...


W:because I'm the crown prince and I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend...only a girlfriend...

D:oh shut your mouth with those stupid things! Just call him and tell him that I want to meet him!

W:wait what?

D:do it!


D:whenever you want

W:okey?! But mo-

D:shhhh forget about her

I smiled at him and he left...
Maybe I have one more chance to get him back...and I'm going to manipulate that chance...whatever my mom is going to say...that's my revolution...

Hey so that's the second part I would really appreciate if you could tell my your opinion about the story
See ya <3

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